Monday 3 December 2012

Hybrid Typer! Final Week Monday

Since my 3rd, 4th and 5th fingers are out of comission on my LH, I can only use my index finger to type (for that hand). My Right hand is okay, so I've been using all my digits for that hand. It is an interesting experience, since my normal typing rhythm is erratic. Things that my right hand types are moving at my normal speed while letters I type with my left hand are drastically slower. I'm prone to making more mistakes when I type like this since I'm not looking at the screen when I type, but I'm starting to get used to this!

Today marks my last Monday at FFCA. The morning starting like any other morning: prep time where I quickly go over what students need to go over in both biology and chemistry. Biology went somewhat well today. I had a mental glitch during a dihybrid test cross (and I just realized how dirty teenagers could be...) but otherwise I believe things went smoothly. I may have spent too much time on dihybrid test crosses, but I hope I was able to drill the point across. My biggest weakness I'm noticing for this practicum is my pacing. I tend to spend to much time going over detail. =(

Chemistry: things were going great! After the class though, I realized that I forgot to give them a review booklet that they can use to study for their quiz tomorrow! =(

I left school early today to go see my family doctor to get my hand assessed. After his prognosis, I was sent to get an X-ray done to see if I did fracture any bones in my hand. At the X-ray center, they gave me a CD with my my X-rays, which I then had to give to my doctor. This was wayyy after the closing time of my clinic, but I went back to his office to see if I could hand in my disc since I don't have much time during the week to make this trip (the X-ray center and his office are in the same building). Luckily for me, the receptionist opened the door and gave the disc to my doctor. My doctor then quickly checked the file on her computer and showed me the images. I have to say that my bones looked really beautiful =)

So according to my doctor's initial... observations... (the word is on the tip of my tongue), everything looks fine (besides the swelling). There may be a small fracture, but it could have just been the shadow of a blood vessel. He'll let me know if the radiologists find something though (they weren't at the X-ray center that afternoon).

So, so far so good! Also, the music teacher knows that I won't be able to play in the musical and she seemed to have found a replacement for me.

And thats all for today... my left hand is starting to feel weird from typing like this...

Bruised and Swollen 

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