Thursday 27 December 2012

I used to like Winter Break more than Summer Break...

But I will have to change my mind on that matter. I used to like winter break more since I had a strong hatred for the intense sunlight at sunset during the summer. My workspace has a window that faces west, and I don't have any houses/buildings to block the incoming rays. My blinds don't do it justice either. =/

However, there isn't much I do during winter break since I can't really go out in the cold (scared of contracting frostbite again!) I've stayed home once again without doing anything exciting. I think I may get cabin fever at this rate....

Good thing tomorrow is Bro Night!

Now onto something mildly exciting. I've completed Rowling's novel today. Overall, it was a great read. Essentially, it seemed to be a tragic novel since a lot of things went horribly wrong at the end where a problem escalated to the death of two individuals. As an ironic twist though, a couple of the characters that started out miserable had a "decent" ending.

It was no Harry Potter in terms of fantasy, and I think it was a bit too pessimistic for my tastes. However, it was an intriguing story with good character development. 4/5 stars out of my self-made rating scale with nothing to compare it to!

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