Tuesday 4 December 2012

Fractured after all =(... Week 4 Tuesday

During biol 30, I had a phone call. Since it was in the middle of class, I did not answer. It was a good thing that my phone was on silent!

At lunch, I checked my phone and saw that it was my doctor that called me. Knowing that it meant bad news, I called back with a sense of dread. It turned out that the radiologists determined that the line that my doctor was suspicious about was indeed a fracture. Fortunately though, it is quite small so I don't need a splint. However, I'll be out for about 6 weeks. =/ (Though I don't think 6 weeks will be all that long).

I can't wait to be able to bend my fingers again! It feels so weird keeping them mostly straight for the entire day. I can only curl my fingers slightly before feeling pain. =(

Onto school! It was pretty much an ordinary day. Biology was notes (we managed to finish what we planned for today!) and chemistry had a quiz. During the quiz, we had a chance to visit a Chemistry 30 class and a phys ed.

And now my left index finger is getting tired, so that's all for now!

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