Tuesday 21 May 2013


I don't think I mentioned it yet, but I went and purchased Dan Brown's Inferno late Saturday night. It was such a thriller that I finished the book in two days.

Despite all the criticism it has received online about historical inconsistencies or other errors, it was a great read. Of course, not being a historian helps, because I wouldn't cringe at all all these inaccuracies that are so called present in the book. (At least the Science seems accurate to my basic understanding of Science).

True, the plot is very similar to Brown's other books involving Robert Langdon: some sort of trouble erupts that requires the intelligence of the protagonist, meets up with a beautiful, intelligent woman and travel through places to save the world from disaster. However, I believe it is one of his best works. There were twists and turns that I admit, I wasn't able to predict ahead of time. And the ending! What an ending!

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