Wednesday 1 May 2013

Urg... bad habits...

Such a nice day outside, but I wasn't able to go out. =(

I can't wait to start painting my RG Freedom tomorrow! I found a custom scheme online that I really like and I'll try my best to emulate that design.

Oh... I really need to take pictures for last week's Gundam challenge...

And I need to start waking up earlier! Getting up at 10 makes me feel like my day has been wasted... Sleep early tonight and try to get up at 7 tomorrow! Scary what three hours can do!

And finally, I started a new drama today: Tonbi.

It's a family drama and I have to say that the first episode was pretty good. It's essentially about a single father who raises his only son. This guy is unique in that he's "simple-minded", like those type of guys that seem all gruff and all... yeah I can't really explain it. Here's the synopsis taken from dramawiki

"The drama is based on the best-selling same-titled novel by Shigematsu Kiyoshi. It tells the story of how a widower brought up his only son, after the death of his beloved wife. Ichikawa Yasuo, or Yasu as he is known, is a baka, with no paper qualifications to his name. However, like all normal parents, he dotes on his only son, Akira. Having grown up without his parents around, Yasu himself knows next to nothing of what parenting is about. With his wife, Misako, by his side, he had spent many happy days together with his little family.
However, when Akira was 3 years old, Misako passed away suddenly from an accident. Heart-broken, and filled with regrets, Yasu pulled himself together, in order to care for his little son. Together with the help of his friends, Yasu overcame it all, and Akira grew up to be a bright and successful young man.
"With nothing but love for his son... that's all there is" - TBS"

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