Sunday 28 April 2013

Busy Weekend!

It's been a busy weekend so far!

I had a birthday dinner on Friday night at Ric's Lounge and Grill. I ordered the usual pasta and $8.75 7-oz steak side order! (So cheap for steak!!). It was a great night with a few drinks and a lot of conversations! Instead of karaoking afterwards, I made the executive decision to go home and play LoL. =P I prefer to game than to sing due to a number of reasons that I'm not going to disclose.

Saturday was busy as well since I was out for most of the afternoon. I don't recall what I did for the evening... besides playing LoL. =/

Sunday was karate once again. Nothing out of the ordinary today. After I got home, I spent time playing MH, learning some songs for the piano and watching an episode of my drama series. I also started Devil Survivor 2 on crunchyroll. It's an interesting anime series so far, but nothing extremely special to hook me quite yet!

As for today's screen cap, a picture from the drama I'm watching (Doctor X). The main actress does her job well, but she has the most intense gaze when she performs surgery

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