Monday 22 April 2013

First Tournament as a Coach!

I went to my first ever tournament as a coach today! The Junior team's tournament took place at Crescent Heights High School. It sure brought back memories since I used to train there under Badminton Alberta. I also had my grade 11 and 12 tournaments/exhibition matches there as well!

Anywhoos, onto the tournament! I arrived earlier than the team since I drove up to Crescent. I was initially worried that I was at the wrong venue since there was no sight of any of my students.  At 5 to 4, the team showed up, which of course, gave me a sigh of relief.

Since the team arrived on time, they didn't had much time to warm-up. A lot of them looked really shaky starting up, but as time went by, they looked a lot smoother/confident. I wasn't able to look at all the players, and I admit I was focusing more on students that I personally taught in class and on the court, though I was able to give some tips I think.

Despite the tournament being scheduled for 4 hours, it finished in about an hr and 50 minutes. It's nice having 8 courts to play on!

For today's picture

My circle pad pro for my 3DS XL. I got it shipped from China on eBay. I have to say that it has really, really, really helped me in MH, especially during those swimming quests!

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