Friday 19 April 2013

Friday Post??

I believe it's been a while since I last posted on a Friday. I gave up on the food blogs because I found out that I didn't really like taking pictures of food. It was starting to urk me for some reason...

Anyways, I got up and did some chores. Of course, after chores, I went to go play some Monster Hunters. I finally got Kayumba! I realized how important it is to have a Shakulaka (spelling?) along to distract monsters! Not having Cha-Cha beside me during fights was bothersome since I didn't have something distracting the big game from targeting me!

Besides Monster Hunters, and LoL, I went out for Bro Night. We went to go eat at an Indian restaurant in the N.E., by Pineridge. The food there was pretty decent, though I can't say it was the best Indian food that I ever had.

And I have to say that I'm pretty hooked to SNSD's Time Machine! Soo good!

I really like the Chorus for the song! It's from SNSD's repackaged Japanese Album: The Boys (I believe).

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