Tuesday 2 April 2013

First Full Day

My first full day started off awesome...

I had a lesson planned on students using laptops to do some mini inquiry, but it turned out that the CBE servers were down... I therefore ended up with talking for almost an hour for the first batch of students since I really had nothing else planned. I had some mini activities in between sessions of me talking, but yeah...

(For the next batch of science students, I had them do some textbook questions.)

For math, I taught the L&L students. We went over decimals and how one would multiply decimals. It was interesting to see how they were reacting since it was their first day back from break. They were a lot quieter than they usually are. =P

Finally Drama. I started out with a warm up activity, Zip-Zap-Zop and failed miserably while playing the game. I have no sense of body-kinetics anymore (or whatever the term is).

And that pretty much marks my first day back from break and my first full day of teaching!

It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be!

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