Sunday 7 April 2013

Another year, another grey hair!

Tis that time of year again where I add another notch to my story called Life. It's hard to believe that I'm 24 years old! It's like what I learnt in psychology, about how when you're young, you always feel like you're older than what you actually are, but when you're old, you feel a lot younger than you actually are. (Don't mind the grammar).

Anyways, it was a pretty good birthday! I was quite tired in Karate class today, so my brother took charge. After karate, I went home and ate a quick lunch and got started on more marking that I didn't finish from yesterday.

After marking, and after my brother came home from volunteering, we played some Monster Hunters 3 Ultimate. It was like the gods granted my wish for my birthday, because I got the necessary (and rare parts) to complete my Rathian armor set! I should be able to own most of the 3 star boss monsters now!

And after that, more lesson planning for Math and Science! Almost done practicum!

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