Monday 1 April 2013

End of Spring Break! =(

So sad that it's the end of my Spring Break, but I do want to get my practicum over so I can be done my degree! It's hard to believe that I'm almost done my second degree...

So for April Fool's Day, I spent most of my day doing work (no joke indeed). I believe I have a finished week plan for Science and got some ideas for the drama class that I'll start teaching tomorrow. Tomorrow will be my first full 100% teaching day. To be honest, I'm not really looking forward to it, but it'll be a godo experience. Throughout my two years, I never really had a day where I taught every single class. The most I ever taught would probably be two full high school classes in a row... which is only about three hours.

Well off to sleep now! Better rest up for a long day tomorrow. Tomorrow is the start of official badminton practices as well! I'll also need to go to school early to get my booklets printed off before students come. =P

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