Monday 8 April 2013

Feelings of Frustration >_>

I usually don't rant much, but I feel like I need to rant right now!

This final presentation and paper for my practicum is really getting on my nerve. It's like the faculty thinks we're doing no work, so might as well stack on two final pieces of work. (It's not like I started any of them at the last minute... it's just that I feel like needing to find research for our own personal philosophy is difficult since it is our OWN philosophies. I'm not saying that I'm discrediting research done, but by doing so, I feel like I'm shaping my philosophies on papers that I can find...)

Like compared to last semester where they just had a presentation for when we were teaching at about 50% of the time... It's like we're giving double the work in our practicum, might as well double the work we need to do in the course as well!

Ahhhh... done ranting, but I don't feel any better... >_>

Perhaps some sleep is in order. Gotta go early tomorrow to set up the eye-dissection lab.

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