Sunday 19 May 2013

Week of Coughs

It has been a "fun" week... waking up multiple times a night, nightly, due to all this coughing. >_> Though I'm too stubborn to go get Nyquil or any other type of medication.

But onto happier news! Since I was mostly indoors this week, I managed to finally finish my RG Freedom yesterday. It's as close as I can get it to the original paint job that I saw online. It was certainly a pain to build! 

First off, it was difficult to paint. For example, changing the blue chest pieces into white took quite a bit of time. I had to use a lot of coats to make it as white as I possibly can. Also, I got hasty on one pieces, so there was a lot of runs on it, thus sanding and repainting. Second, a lot of single pieces had a multiple color scheme (mostly grey and white) so I had to paint those pieces multiple times after taping them up. 

Next off was marking. I bought three Gundam markers last week, but they ALL dried out after about 5 minutes of use. In my haste/disappointment, I went to Michaels and bought overpriced water-based markers that didn't run out, but ran on a whole different level. Since it was water based, it was easily smudged by my fingers, =(

Last bit was stickering. I don't recall ever spending so much time on stickering such a small kit. All in all, I think it took me about 4-5 hours to totally sticker it... and it was just stickers! No scratch on decals! (Brings back memories of Unicorn....) 

All in all though, I'm quite satisfied with the final piece. It has its flaws, but it looks quite magnificent to look at!

I didn't realize how blurry and out of position this shot was, but here it is! 

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