Saturday 11 May 2013


I've been fighting a weird cold recently... I started  feeling symptoms on Monday, but I didn't think much about it. (I woke up Monday morning with my sinuses feeling stuffed/slight pain, but after clearing it up, it all went away... till the evening). Things were pretty much the same until this morning. First of all, I woke up at around 4ish since my throat started hurting, along with my sinuses. I was too lazy to get up and clear my sinuses so I laid there, half dazed, but some how I was able to fall back to sleep.

When I woke up at my usual time, I realized that my symptoms have gotten worse. My voice became all scratchy and hoarse even after trying to clear my throat multiple of times. However, it did clear up in about an hours time. =/

And now... well my voice is somewhat normal but my sinuses are starting to feel funny again. =/

I guess I need some rest and recovery for now.

As for today's picture, it was a picture I wanted to post a while back, but keep on forgetting too

This was when I took pictures of my brother's Exia gundam. Apparently facebook thought that it's knee caps resembled a face.

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