Monday 27 January 2014

Didn't turn out how I wanted it too..

I thought it would look nicer if I focused on my pens. (Hoping that it would make my charger stick out more). 

Sunday 26 January 2014


So good when you're doing work!

CSN Workshop on Planet Earth was AMAZING!

It was a long day, but it was a PD that was full of interesting resources and learning! I'll definitely be looking forward to the next Calgary Science Network workshop!

Thursday 23 January 2014

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Exhausted T_T

Im pretty tired today so I'll keep the post short. It was marking day today! It's scary that report cards are coming up fast!
The app I'm currently using to review my ひらがな!it's a pretty good app

Monday 20 January 2014

This is a first!

This must be the first time in a while in which I didn't have to bring work home! It's a good feeling for sure! 

After work today, I went and got some tasks done. I got supplies to set up my experiment (though I forgot butter!). I also got some supplies for a demo that I'll be showing on Friday. I also got a chance to wash my car and fill her up with gas! A productive day I'll have to say!

But now I'm tired so it's off to sleep!

Darn. My silhouette didn't turn out as well as I hoped for... 

Sunday 19 January 2014

It's already Sunday night???

This weekend seemed to fly by so quickly! It feels like I just got off work FOR the weekend just a couple of hours ago. 

Anyways, it was a typical Sunday. Our master taught us a "new" kata (not really new since he taught us it a couple weeks back). I think I got 90% of it down now! 

After karate, I got some work done and watched some anime. That included the Stein's Gate movie (or however it's spelt).  Like the anime series, the beginning was a bit slow, but it picked up about 30% in. It did give a sense of finality, for the ending was, albeit reminiscent of the series, decently scripted. 

And for today's picture
This is how I was working/playing LoL for the past three weeks. It's a sure pain in the butt...

Saturday 18 January 2014

Roller coaster if sickness

It has been an interesting three weeks of sickness for me. It would get better, then worse, then better again. 

Unfortunately for today, it got worse for a while. I had to cancel all my arrangements I made for today...

Thus another day at home toiled by me forgetting to bring my marking home again! 

So I ended up trying to jailbreak my iPhone 4 since I won't be using that anymore. I'll be passing that down to my dad to use, since it's better than the phone he's currently using. 

The iPhone 4 was my first ever smartphone and it served me well. I'm going to miss it, but I don't think I'll miss the lagginess that comes with iOS 7 on an outdated device. 

I went to go activate my new phone yesterday at Wind. I'll be saving quite a bit each month, but it makes me wonder if it's worth it. Since I'm using a phone that Wind doesn't really support, I've had some issues with getting a signal. So far today, it seemed to be alright. And I hope it remains so!

Anyways, I thought that I'll try and post a picture daily since my new phone has an improved camera! Here's the picture for today!

I really liked the refraction in this image! It's a picture of my old trusty iPhone 4. I must have dropped it at least 10 times, but it suffered no cracked screens save a small chip on one corner. 

Wednesday 15 January 2014


I was at Superstore after work today to buy some items. I strolled around the kitchen section and noticed that they had a bunch of kettles. Most of them were the typical 1.7 L that I usually see around work, but there happened to be a smaller 1 L one.

I mostly drink tea at work, so I thought why not. It can't cost more than $20.

I went to a price checker... and to my utmost surprise, it turned out to be just $8!

Now I hope that it'll last a while, but that means I can drink more tea at work at the comfort of my own desk! =) Yay! =D

No picture since I'm lazy.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Malls are sure dead in January!

After work today, I went to Chinook Mall to purchase an item. Compared to when I went there a couple days before Christmas, it was sure empty! Even the Apple Store wasn't as busy as it normally is.

Fortunately for me, I was able to purchase my item quickly and rush on home after rush hour. During my drive home though, I had such MASSIVE coughing fits. It got to the point where I was actually swearing at myself for being so weak T_T. (Mixed in with the occasion self-pep talk...)

But those coughing fits were bad. I swear that I felt vomit travelling up my esophagus.

Perhaps it's time to go visit a doctor...

Monday 13 January 2014

Warm Snow

I guess it wasn't really warm snow, but it was quite warm today. And there was a lot of snow.

It wasn't a bad drive home though today. I guess leaving early really helped! =) I wish I could say the same about my morning commute. I'm not sure what happened, but it nearly took twice as much time to get to work.

But otherwise, it was quite a normal day. Nothing really interesting to blog about.

Except that I wish my sickness will go away! Things are already bad enough as it is right now...

Saturday 11 January 2014

A Day of Rest

I woke up this morning with sinus pains... though it seemed like my coughs had disappeared over night! Unfortunately, it was short lived as I started to cough about 10 minutes once I was fully conscious.

Due to my sickness, I had to miss volunteering again. I think this is the 4th straight week of volunteering that I have missed in a row. =/ Besides volunteering, I also had to cancel my piano lessons for the day. =(

Other than that, it was a day full of rest. I relaxed by playing League and fiddling around with the settings of my phone.

As I prepare for sleep, I do feel a pang of regret for it'll mean that I have to do more work tomorrow.

Ah well, such is life!

Friday 10 January 2014

I learned something new today driving home...

In the mornings, I normally turn on the radio as I drive to work. At times, I'll hear the traffic reporter stating that traffic is slow due to gawkers. Normally, I would associate these gawkers to be on the same side of the accident.

Definitely not on the other side, and least with a barrier separating the two roads.

So lo and behold, I was driving home from work. Sistar's Ma Boy was playing on my speakers and somehow... I was imagining the choreography. Due to that, I missed my exit and had to loop around. Perhaps it was a sign from above to tell me to avoid the road that I normally take to go home.

When I returned back to my road, I noticed that there was a lot more traffic than normal. It was moving, albeit quite slowly. I knew right away that it was either construction or an accident. Since it's winter, I presumed it was the latter.

I was right, and I saw a bunch of flashing lights...

That were coming across the road separated by a concrete barrier.

The accident scene looked quite bad. There was a red pick up truck that had it's entire front crumpled. But at that time, I was wondering why traffic was moving so slowly if the accident was on the other side. And I guess that's what they mean by gawkers. People were slowing down on the side I was on to witness the accident scene.

Pretty interesting, though I hope that the people involved in the accidents aren't harmed.

Thursday 9 January 2014

I can't see the Northern Lights =(

Apparently in Calgary, we should be able to view the Northern Lights. (I've only seen it once a couple years back, but it was absolutely spectacular.) Unfortunately, I'm unable to view it from the inside of my house.

Yes, yes, I know I should go outside, but I'm in no condition to do so. =/

Anyways, I spent my day doing my usual routine. After work, I went to a coffee shop and did some marking with the help of a friend. We managed to go through quite a bit of marking, which is of a great help to me.

Once I got home, I looked up at the sky to see if I could see the Lights. Perhaps it was too early (around 8ish), but I was unable to see anything. After entering my house, I showered, ate (a huge amount of noodles), and proceeded to do some more work. However, my coughing spasms were quite severe that it made it essentially impossible to get stuff done comfortably.

Unfortunately, that meant I gave up for the night. Fortunately though, I have a back up planned for tomorrow! =)

And now off to sleep so this dreaded cough will go away quicker I hope!

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Uh oh...

Before I left my house this morning, my mom asked me if I needed to bring a pack of Halls. Thinking about the new pack of Fisherman's Friends I bought the day before, I told her I was fine.

When I arrived, I had a bit of a coughing fit. As I looked into my shoulder bag, I realized that I left my new pack of cough drops at home beside my bed.


Fortunately for me, the coughs weren't as extreme as the past two days. I had a couple of bad sessions, but they went by pretty quickly.

And yes! That is all for today! I know I've just been talking about my sickness for the past week or so, but I don't know what else to blog about at the moment!! =(

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Ah, tis a pain in the butt indeed!

I thought I was getting better...

But it feels like I'm getting worse! My coughs are no longer associated with phlegm in my throat. =(

Though the frequency of coughs hasn't increased... so I guess that's one good sign?


But back to the grindstone! The day went by a lot quicker than I thought it would. I tried the coke+menthos+balloon experiment today. It went poorly for the first batch (coke spilt all over the place), but it was a lot cleaner for the last two.

And now onto an episode of anime before sleep!

Monday 6 January 2014

Another important lesson learned!

When I suffer from a bad cough (bronchitis or whatever it is)... never eat BBQ sauce.

The coughing that came when I had a bit of BBQ sauce on my ribs today was the worst I ever experienced.

It wasn't painful.

Just that I couldn't stop coughing for a while. And it wasn't my normal "loud coughs". I was pretty much gagging/coughing hoarsely. It wasn't painful, but it was just downright excessive coughing.

And with that being said, I hope that I'll recover soon... The longest I ever had a bad cough for was a month...

Sunday 5 January 2014

I learnt a valuable lesson today...

Make sure to double check boxes carefully!

After karate today, I went to help my mom exchange a cabinet at Home Depot. The cabinet we had initially had a panel that was structurally damaged. Fortunately, there wasn't too long of a line up to get permission from Customer Service to exchange our box.

We proceeded to the spare cabinets and made the change. Since the box was quite heavy, I quickly dropped off our damaged cabinet and picked up the top "new" box (out of the three that were there). It looked brand new to me, so I didn't bother checking the rest of the box.

After coming home and ate a quick lunch, I went to check the content of the box. At first, I noticed that one end of the box had some strange tape marks which made me suspicious of how "new" our cabinet happened to be. After pulling stuff out with my dad, we realized that I have picked up a used cabinet (pre-drilled holes into some panels, missing screws and accessories, etc).

Thus, I had to bundle up to tackle the cold again and head back to Home Depot. As you may have guessed, I wasn't really pleased. This time, when we arrived, I made extra sure to ensure to check the last two boxes from head to toe. Both boxes, I realized, didn't have any traces of tape on it. (The packages were factory sealed with glue).

After taking up one of the new boxes to Customer Service, I made sure, along with the helpful Customer Service representative, that the cabinet within the box was new. We took out the pieces and inspected each one. Fortunately, this time, everything looked fine!

So all in all, after spending a good afternoon today... I learnt to be extra wary of large items. And not to skimp out on checking them from head to toe... even if it's difficult to move!

Saturday 4 January 2014

Last Day of Break

Tis the last official day of break for me! I go back to "normal life" by tomorrow. (I know, I know, lame blog post... but it'll be better after the middle of the month! I swear! Well... I hope...)

I think I should be ready for "normal life". I got mostly everything back on schedule... except for my sleep patterns.

I had a bad tendency during break to sleep past midnight and waking up late morning. It's been pretty bad, since I'm unable to feel sleepy till around 1 AMish now a days... And I have a tough time getting up at 9 AM!


I haven't been taking my normal-naps-during-breaks either so I'm not sure what to do! I just need to find a way to shock myself into waking up early tomorrow so that I can get back to the swing of things (hopefully that'll make me tired so I can get back to my normal 10:30 PM bed time!)

But off to try and sleep now!

Friday 3 January 2014

And so ends Legal High 2

I finished watching Legal High 2 today! I can confidently say that this series have parallels with Gintama: epic trolling. Even the ending was trolly; just like first season! It was a good season overall, though I have some questions about the ending... However, it's still a recommended watch!

Besides Legal High 2, I also got a call from my cellular provider since my contract is almost up! Let's just say that things will change in a couple weeks time! =)

And finally, I managed to get some work done today! =) Better get back into the swing of things. I just hope that my cold will go away in due time too!

Thursday 2 January 2014

I made some progress!

From a sore throat to losing my voice...

To coughing now!

I guess I don't have strep throat. Perhaps it's just the common cold...

Speaking of which, my sore throat is going away, but there's still a lot of phlegm build up.

Ahh, I apologize for the negativity. I'll try to post a happier topic tomorrow!

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Tis a great way to start 2014...

by being sick! I think I may have strep throat, based on my own diagnosis of my only symptom: an annoying (not really severe) sore throat. I initially thought that I burnt my esophagus during hot pot on Sunday since that's when I first noticed something off about my throat... (and my tongue felt burnt), but to this day my throat still hurts. It's fine when I eat, but at other times it hurts. =(

I can't believe that break is almost over too! Just a couple more days left!

As for New Year's Resolutions for this year... I don't really have any in mind really. I'll have to get back to that in a couple of days time.