Thursday 9 January 2014

I can't see the Northern Lights =(

Apparently in Calgary, we should be able to view the Northern Lights. (I've only seen it once a couple years back, but it was absolutely spectacular.) Unfortunately, I'm unable to view it from the inside of my house.

Yes, yes, I know I should go outside, but I'm in no condition to do so. =/

Anyways, I spent my day doing my usual routine. After work, I went to a coffee shop and did some marking with the help of a friend. We managed to go through quite a bit of marking, which is of a great help to me.

Once I got home, I looked up at the sky to see if I could see the Lights. Perhaps it was too early (around 8ish), but I was unable to see anything. After entering my house, I showered, ate (a huge amount of noodles), and proceeded to do some more work. However, my coughing spasms were quite severe that it made it essentially impossible to get stuff done comfortably.

Unfortunately, that meant I gave up for the night. Fortunately though, I have a back up planned for tomorrow! =)

And now off to sleep so this dreaded cough will go away quicker I hope!

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