Saturday 4 January 2014

Last Day of Break

Tis the last official day of break for me! I go back to "normal life" by tomorrow. (I know, I know, lame blog post... but it'll be better after the middle of the month! I swear! Well... I hope...)

I think I should be ready for "normal life". I got mostly everything back on schedule... except for my sleep patterns.

I had a bad tendency during break to sleep past midnight and waking up late morning. It's been pretty bad, since I'm unable to feel sleepy till around 1 AMish now a days... And I have a tough time getting up at 9 AM!


I haven't been taking my normal-naps-during-breaks either so I'm not sure what to do! I just need to find a way to shock myself into waking up early tomorrow so that I can get back to the swing of things (hopefully that'll make me tired so I can get back to my normal 10:30 PM bed time!)

But off to try and sleep now!

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