Tuesday 16 June 2015

Bittersweet Graduation

Last final exam today! The students, as well as most of the teachers (including myself) are done with the school year as well. =/

Just 9 more days of school left!

Besides finals, one of my students had his final karate exam after school today. We scheduled it today since it was his last day. Out of the 16 years+ years of assisting/teaching karate, I have to say he's one of my best students. He's eager to learn and has an innate talent for karate. As expected, his exam went flawlessly. As a white belt, he had a mastery with his nunchaku that a lot of brown belts would have trouble with in my opinion. He was also able to perform most of the nunchaku kata for memory.

As I gave him a near perfect mark, and his green belt, he thanked me and shook my hand. It'll probably be the last time that I'll see him. During the few seconds that we grasped hands, I felt a bit of sadness. Not only was he one of my best students in karate, he was also one of my favorite students last year when I taught him math and science. Like in karate, he was always eager to learn and tried his best in everything.

But like any other teacher, or a person in general, to every beginning, there is an end. As a teacher, I was really proud and honored to have taught such a student.  I hope that I was able to play a part in his life and influenced him slightly. As he, and all my other former students move on from junior high, I wish them the best (even though they probably never have/will have read my blog).

Life is short, but full of challenges. You will succeed, but you will fall as well. Learn from your mistakes and thrive for tomorrow.

And now off to sleep. =P

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