Monday 8 June 2015

Pretty Eventful Day

Morning started out rough, but it smoothed out as the day progressed. I left school right as buses left since I had a doctor's appointment at 3:30.

Normally, the office is pretty quiet, but today it was literally filled to the brim with patients. They quickly zoomed in and out, so I was able to see my doctor in about 10 minutes time. I needed a booster/2nd shot of Hep A and topical cream for a fungal infection (Tinea Versicolor if I spelt it correctly. And for those of you who are in contact with me, no it's not contagious!)

I left the clinic and headed straight to Costco to pick up my cream and to get my vaccination. I always enjoy getting shots (and no I do not engage in illicit activities) from Costco since the pharmacist normally makes pleasant small talk. After the shot, I waited outside for 15 minutes, just in case for any flare ups from the Hep A shot.

During this time, a middle-aged/elderly Asian lady was waiting near me. We were both waiting before I received my vaccination in a smaller room; she realized that I came back out and sat down. After stating that, we broke out into small talk too.

Now small talking isn't my forte. I normally like to get to the point, if it's a business like matter, or just simply acknowledge the person's presence and move on with life. This conversation was interesting since I was able to gleam into her life and experiences. Somehow, it actually made my day just to listen to a stranger speak in an informal manner.

I left after around 20 minutes or so since it's Monday, which meant that it was a workout day. Losing weight does make lifting a lot rougher. I had troubles deadlifting 2 plates today. Flat benching 185 wasn't as bad as I expected, though I could only do about 5 sets of 3 reps. My core is getting stronger as well, since I was able to do around 25 continuous sit ups with a 25 pounder.

Gains are coming! Still around 19-20 pounds to my target weight of 160!

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