Sunday 14 June 2015


T'was the week of exams...

I was never proficient at writing poetry so I'll stop it right there.

Karate exams today! Once again, I was able to gleam what students were understanding during class, and what concepts need more clarification. It'll be something to mentally jot down so that I remember for the new semester in September.

Other than karate, I had volunteering at the hospital. It was somewhat quiet, where nothing out of the ordinary took place today. It always seems though, that we become the busiest just before closing time. A couple weeks back, we had a potential customer that came 5 minutes after closing time and accused us for being extremely rude for closing. =/ Good thing our manager took care of the situation! Due to that experience, I knew how to deal with a situation today, in which a customer came after closing time in need for an item. Fortunately, I was able to guide him to another location to obtain his item. Whether he was successful or not, I do not know.

And that pretty much sums my day! I'm continuing my quest to finish High rank in MH4U. I believe I started caravan 9 quests.

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