Monday 15 June 2015

One more to go!

Today marked the exam I dreaded the most: Math. No matter how much practice we seem to do, (trying to look at key words, break down problems, going through a list of skills), my students seem to have difficulty in math. 

Fortunately, thanks to the speediness that a scantron machine brings to marking, I was able to find out the marks right away. 66% class average in one class and 59% in the other. A lot better than I expected. 

Marks were somewhat what I expected for each of my students. There were some pleasant surprises, with a few disappointments. It is to be expected with any exam I guess!

And did I mention that our scantron automatically calculates average and median, and gives a detailed breakdown of which question students are having troubles with? Also, it can somehow read student's names without filling in a bubble section!

Hi-tech indeed!

One more exam to go!

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