Monday 1 June 2015

Your Lie in April OVA

I watched the special yesterday night. I thought I was over Shigatsu fever, but it turned out I wasn't.

The OVA was nothing special to be honest, just a bit of background information on how Arima's rivals came to be and how Kaori got her most prized photo. However, it did it's role of bringing back my initial feelings for the anime series. It also made me realize how the main emphasis of this anime was about the music, and what music can create; rather than a romantic series.

I only wish that they will release an OVA to talk about what happened after the end of the anime series. I feel like they can flush it out a bit. Yes, perhaps it ended well, but it would be nice, in my opinion, to see Arima's maturation as a pianist.

Other than that, today was an ordinary day. I somehow planned to have all my final unit tests today, so it was a relatively "relaxing". Just a week and a bit before final exams start! =/

I'm not sure if I mentioned it before, but I find it more harrowing to see students write final exams, than for my own self to write a final exam. It's like I can't really control their performance/ how well they'll do on their exam.

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