Wednesday 30 March 2016

First Day with Students

First day with students today! They were supposed to come back with their projects ready to present (gave them spring break homework, in which they had to make a movie).

First class was awesome. Many of them had very interesting ideas.

Second class, which turned out to be my homeroom, was horrendous... There were only two projects finished for that particular class...

That really soured the mood for my day. Fortunately, my third science class did do their work.

After that, it was off to badminton tryouts. I dislike cutting students, so to make it easier for myself this year, I had them play against each other in half court- king's court style. I also played with each student to get a general idea of what their skill level was at.

It was very difficult cutting students, but I did manage to end up with about 10 boys and 10 girls for the grade 6&7 team.

And then it was off to my now weekly badminton sessions. Tiring as always, but a good stress relief.

And now sleep!

Tuesday 29 March 2016

M/C, Visa and AMEX

First day back after Spring Break! It started off with PD at the elementary campus -- a session on the importance of early literacy.

In reminded me that I need to start reading books again. It's been a while since I last read a book.

After PD, we went back to our campus for OD. I managed to get up my word wall, get approval for a field trip and permission for a scavenger hunt. I also had the opportunity to reorganize the students' name for tryouts.

After work, it was off to shop for work. I needed supplies for the Canteen (mini school cafeteria), restock on candy, stapler (missing mine since Winter Break) and other smaller supplies.

Somehow, I ended up using my master cards, visa and AMEX for my purchases today. I admit, that I prefer to use multiple credit cards instead of one credit card. My rationale is that I can spread my spending onto many cards, and keep the % spent low on each one. Also, each card has its own special perks (ie: one for restaurants, one for gas, one for general purposes, etc).

But that's it for today! Off to sleep I go for the first day back with students tomorrow!

Monday 28 March 2016

Day 10 - Last day of spring break 2016

Woke up, worked out, came home, played SC2, went for my massage, came home.

And here I am now.

A nice way to end break.

Sunday 27 March 2016

Day 9: Quiet, but short Sunday

Not sure where the day went, but it felt like it went by pretty quickly.

I had plans to exercise, but I got lazy in the end. I ended up working on a scavenger hunt for my science class before going out.

Got home, continued with the scavenger hunt... and now it's 11! I got in some piano as well... but I seriously do not know where the time has gone by today!

One more day of break!

Saturday 26 March 2016

Day 7 and 8 - Sore demo jinsei wa subarashi

Meant to post for yesterday, but I was too lazy to write. Essentially, I was out and about doing stuff!

As for today, I woke up, got my workout in (6 days in a row... not sure how people can do it) and went home to finish Bara no nai Hanaya. I'm quite sure I never wrote a full review for this drama series... the last one being Real Clothes if I'm not mistaken.

It'll be coming up in a couple week's time hopefully... I need to finish editing the short story I wrote and publish that first...

Thursday 24 March 2016

Post 777 - Day 6: A different perspective

777 posts! It's hard to believe that I kept blogging ever since I started my education degree. True, I haven't blogged as much as I used to, and I'm not sure how much my writing has improved... but it does give me something to look back on as the years go by.

As for today, I woke up a lot later than I usual would, but I did squeeze in a deadlift session at the gym. They were installing... electric outlets at the gym due to the fact that it's a lot emptier in the morning than in the evening.

After working out, I gained all my calories (and more) back by going to Five Guys. I tried the Cajun Fries today, but they weren't as spicy as the cashier made it out to be. =P

Afterwards, I came home and started re-watching Bara no nai hanaya (The Flowershop without Roses). The first time I watched it was when I was 18-19ish years old (when it first came out in 2008... and that is if I remember correctly). It's a lot different now re-watching the series -- I can't really explain it, but the chemistry between the two leads is more heartwarming than what I remembered.

Once again, a recommended watch! Despite the simple story line (and some large plot holes), it's quite a pleasant watch... even through my third run through the series.

I think I'm starting to be a sucker for romance dramas again! (As long as there's no love triangles...)

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Day 5 - The Flower shop with a rose

Woke up, worked out, played FF, and badminton.

Halfway through the week...

In terms of the title, I was just re-watching parts of a drama I saw about 8 years back. If only I didn't lose my copy of the drama series... It's one of the few series that I watched twice in my life (alongside 1 Litre of Tears).

Great watch for those of you interested in a romantic drama. It's still my all time favorite romance drama.

And to advertise the opening again:

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Day 4 - Tuesday already?!

Despite still being early in the week, it's hard to believe Tuesday is almost over!

Woke up, went to work out, came home and continued with Final Fantasy. I also got in some work, so a job well done today!

Other than that, nothing out of the ordinary happened... nothing yet at least. =P

Monday 21 March 2016

Day 3 - Welcome back FF XIII-3

Woke up at my usual time, but I ended up drifting back to sleep till around 8ish.

Got up, went to work out, did some errands, came back and did more errands.

After that was all said and done, I finally got a chance to go back to FF XIII-3! I started two years ago (during Spring Break too if I'm not mistaken). I completed Day 8 in the game, with about 6 more days to go... (assuming I get the final bonus day).

I should be able to beat it this break!!

Sunday 20 March 2016

Day 2 - Spring Banquet

Typical Sunday morning in that it started off with karate. The morning class seemed quieter than usual (including the class I teach), but that's probably due to Spring Break. We had a black belt ceremony, followed by our annual spring banquet.

It was nice to see all sorts of people that I haven't seen in a while. After catching up, it was time to clean up and head home.

I realized that my cell plan hasn't changed from the call I made yesterday, so I contacted my cellular company again. After a couple minutes, they did manage to change it to what I was supposed to get yesterday. I was notified by a text stating my two years of Spotify and Daily Vice for free.

And there went my afternoon... I spent a lot of time on Spotify: finding songs, syncing songs from my computer, learning about offline features, etc. Amazing app, though I'm not sure if I want to fork over $10 a month in the future once my two year trial is over...

But that's it for today!

Saturday 19 March 2016

Day 1 of Spring Break 2016

Yay for spring break! I got in a decent deadlift work out, finished my taxes and switched my cell plan! More productive on a Saturday than the past couple of months! I also managed to get back to the Ballade, after what seems like a month!

For the past couple of hours, I was working on writing my short story. Not writing for a long time has made it much more difficult than it used to be. It'll will take some time as I edit and rewrite certain sections to fit my wants for a precusor to my longer story for the future!

And off to bed I go! To hopefully a more relaxing Spring Break than my Winter Break... No gundams to build!

Thursday 17 March 2016

Squat Day

Forgot it was St. Patrick's Day until a student told me this morning. I didn't end up wearing any green at all today.

Work was typical, though I didn't get as much work done as I would have liked. It's tough knowing that Spring Break is only a day away!

Work out went well! I managed to squat about my own weight (185 lbs total) for about 6 x 3. Front squat 135 was brutal, but manageable at around 10 x 5. My legs are tired (and probably from badminton last night), but feel great. My previous injury didn't hamper me at all today! =)

And onto the last day before break starts! Well some sort of break... it'll be time to catch up on work and plan for the last couple of months.

Monday 14 March 2016

First day of tryouts!

Laziness will be the last of me... I have no excuses for not blogging over the past couple of weeks.

Today marks the first day of tryouts for badminton. Unlike last year, there was a ton of students trying out for the grade 7 (and essentially 6) team. Unlike last year as well, I had another teacher help coach. It definitely makes coaching a lot easier!

Lots of drills today, with little racket work. Most of them were actually able to keep up with the conditioning today.

I wonder how the 8s will fare tomorrow...

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Welcome back deadlifts

My last session at the gym was on Friday, thus meaning I had a longer break than usual with today being the first time back to the gym for me. 

I haven't deadlifted since injuring myself on Feb 12. I managed to do about 8-10 sets of 2 plates and about 3 sets of eccentric plate+10. My injury started to flare up, but it's definitely not as bad as before. And for the first day back... I have to say that I felt I did a decent job!

Parent Teacher Interviews tomorrow...