Sunday 20 March 2016

Day 2 - Spring Banquet

Typical Sunday morning in that it started off with karate. The morning class seemed quieter than usual (including the class I teach), but that's probably due to Spring Break. We had a black belt ceremony, followed by our annual spring banquet.

It was nice to see all sorts of people that I haven't seen in a while. After catching up, it was time to clean up and head home.

I realized that my cell plan hasn't changed from the call I made yesterday, so I contacted my cellular company again. After a couple minutes, they did manage to change it to what I was supposed to get yesterday. I was notified by a text stating my two years of Spotify and Daily Vice for free.

And there went my afternoon... I spent a lot of time on Spotify: finding songs, syncing songs from my computer, learning about offline features, etc. Amazing app, though I'm not sure if I want to fork over $10 a month in the future once my two year trial is over...

But that's it for today!

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