Thursday 24 March 2016

Post 777 - Day 6: A different perspective

777 posts! It's hard to believe that I kept blogging ever since I started my education degree. True, I haven't blogged as much as I used to, and I'm not sure how much my writing has improved... but it does give me something to look back on as the years go by.

As for today, I woke up a lot later than I usual would, but I did squeeze in a deadlift session at the gym. They were installing... electric outlets at the gym due to the fact that it's a lot emptier in the morning than in the evening.

After working out, I gained all my calories (and more) back by going to Five Guys. I tried the Cajun Fries today, but they weren't as spicy as the cashier made it out to be. =P

Afterwards, I came home and started re-watching Bara no nai hanaya (The Flowershop without Roses). The first time I watched it was when I was 18-19ish years old (when it first came out in 2008... and that is if I remember correctly). It's a lot different now re-watching the series -- I can't really explain it, but the chemistry between the two leads is more heartwarming than what I remembered.

Once again, a recommended watch! Despite the simple story line (and some large plot holes), it's quite a pleasant watch... even through my third run through the series.

I think I'm starting to be a sucker for romance dramas again! (As long as there's no love triangles...)

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