Saturday 30 December 2017

Day 8 - Last Haircut of the Year

Unproductive day in that I didn't get any work done. My excuse is, that it's the weekend! Last Saturday of the year!

After eating breakfast, I got my hair cut. Soon after that, it was off to the gym for another deadlift session. Since coming back to deadlift, I've been trying a wide-snatch-like grip to work on my back at the same time. It's relatively fine to bring the bar up with weight, but it does strain my back quite a bit.

After 5x5 of 255 lbs, it was off to 5x5 conventional 295 lbs. I haven't touched 315 lbs in a while, but I got the opportunity to see what my one rep max was for the day. By keeping my upper back tight, which I have never done so before, I was able to lift 345 lbs, which is a record for me. I guess those snatch deadlifts are helping along with Back Day Wednesdays. I finished off with 3 sets of 5 reps of 275 lbs sumo deadlifts. At this point, my lower back and hamstrings felt pretty fried...

After a couple more accessory exercises, it was time to head back home. Roads have been pretty slippery over the past couple days, but it was a relatively smooth ride home. 

After dinner, it was off to another episode of reverse. Since it was episode 7 of 10, major plot lines and twists were starting to unravel. I'm not sure if it's due to watching a lot of dramas/anime, but I'm starting to become better at predicting plot twists, and lo and behold (although I only realized 10 seconds before they revealed the plot twist) I guessed right! Embarrassingly to a degree, I was quite pleased with myself, since I'm usually horrible when it comes to figuring out motives. 

It was tempting to continue watching more episodes, but the lure of Ultra Moon was calling to me. 

I'll get back to work on Monday... or Tuesday...

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