Sunday 31 December 2017

Day 9 - New Year's Eve 2017

It's past midnight now, but post is for the last day of 2017! It was a pretty uneventful year, but I don't consider that to be a bad thing. The biggest highlight for me was going back to Japan in July. The stay at Yamamizuki was definitely one of the biggest highlights of the trip. Getting lost during our Maricar tour was frightening, but gives me a good laugh thinking back.

In terms of hardships... nothing really significant. Injuring my knee took a toll on my squats at the beginning of the year, but within this year I was able to come close to what I was squatting to pre-injury. Despite not squatting as high, I feel more confident in my squats now compared to last year. I guess the final month of the school year (2016-2017) was stressful to say the least, but Japan definitely kept my spirits going during that time!

But enough rambling for one night. 2017 was uneventful, but once again a pretty good year. In terms of my new year's resolution... despite not making resolutions...

Wake up before 10 AM today...

PS: Oh, for the past.... 10 years now (methink), it has been a traditional at my house to play cards during New Year's Eve since we're pretty busy throughout the year to spend time with one another. We gamble with glass beads as "coins" while we play Black Jack. I had a terrible run this year... going "bankrupt" multiple times and having to borrow beads from my brother. However, I did manage to win the very last hand (with our version of "All In" where you put in everything you have) with a score of 21.

Hopefully that means I have some good luck despite the apparent hardship I'll be facing this year!

Thank you to all of you that read my blog posts and I hope you all have a Happy New Year! Starting April 7th, I'll be posting everyday to mark my last year in my 20's. It's hard to believe I'm close to hitting 30...

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