Wednesday 27 February 2013

Week 3 Wednesday

Quite a eventful day today. My partner teacher was away for the second part of a workshop so we had another sub. Also, my field advisor came to visit me to observe how I taught students. I had to say that it was one of my most thorough observations for she mentioned a lot of things that I found useful in advancing my career as a teacher.

For the most part, the lesson seemed to be alright. Most students seemed interested, until the note section came about. I guess I'll need to find a way to make notes more interesting. I tried just 10 minutes of notes, but that really seemed to be disengaging for students.

Tired, so that's all for today!

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Busy Busy!

Busy day!

School was essentially quiz in Math and more presentations in Science. There was a good group for Science in where a student was able to demonstrate the ability to present, rather than read off the slides. (It'll be something that I will work on with the students. My partner teachers had an idea that may help with that task!)

After school, I went to get some supplies for my lesson tomorrow. I finally get to introduce a topic with my own set of notes! I'm actually quite stoked to see how it goes. I have a feeling that something is going to go wrong, but that's what being a teacher is!

Monday 25 February 2013

Week 3 Monday and interview with the Catholic Board

My first Monday in my last practicum. It's kinda hard to believe it's already week 3...

Anyways, I got the chance to teach Volume to the students today. The first time I taught it, I realized that there was no coherent flow of my steps on the whiteboard. It was like if a tornado hit my whiteboard and scattered my notes all over the place!

Of course, I corrected it for my second batch of students. =P There were a couple of students that were struggling to vision volume, so that'll be something I need to think of to help students figure it out.

Science was presentations. All I can say is that they were a lot different than the presentations I observed at my first practicum school. Of course, they weren't the same type of presentation...

And that marked my day at school! I left early today since I had an interview with the Catholic Board. I managed to arrive about 20 minutes early, so I sat in the waiting room filled with anxiety, yet some sort of confidence. (I seem to be filled with a weird mix of emotions lately...)

Anyways, when I did have my interview, I was greeted by a gentleman. He led me to a medium sized conference room and started by going over my qualifications. After he listed them, he asked me if I would like to add any more qualifications. Since I never mentioned taking IB, I mentioned that.

After that, he asked me a questions that related to the Catholic faith in school, questions on classroom management, dealing with parents, teaching philosophy, passion, and other questions that I can't quite pick up. I think I dealt with each question well, though I noticed that my mouth was EXTREMELY dry after the second question he asked me.

However, I was surprised that I wasn't sweating bullets. The atmosphere was quite easygoing, which I think really helped me with the interview. True, I think there were a question or two that kind of slipped me up, but he helped guide my thinking.

The good thing about this interview was that I found out their (or his I guess?) decision right away. Since I'm not Catholic, I'm unable to work on their sub roster, but I'm on a wait list for a position if it opens up! Pretty good I think since I wasn't expecting an interview from the Catholic Board! =)

Now time to focus my attention for the CBE interview in a couple of weeks...

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Week Two Wednesday

One of my partner teachers was away for a workshop, thus I had my first official lesson with the students! I taught a brief review on calculating the surface area of a cylinder. For the first batch of kids, I think I blew their minds a bit by going through a ton of detail that isn't really necessary for them to grasp at their level...

Therefore I toned it down a notch for the second batch of kids!

Science was mostly a work period. I had a mini lesson on what a presentation should look like. Last night, I whipped up a Prezi on sleep deprivation following the criteria that my partner teachers were looking for in the students' presentations. I hope I did it justice, for I really rushed through the Prezi to get other things done.

*cough cough* unit plan (almost done the skeleton... and onto making notes!)

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Week Two Tuesday

I've been a lazy bum over the last couple of days for no real reason. I blame it on LoL. And unit planning! I'm not sure how many activities I can fit into my lessons!

Anyways, today went by without a hitch. For math, they learnt to calculate the surface area of a cylinder. I was working with a couple students that had difficulties with these concepts. Unfortunately, I don't think I was able to get the main points across in solving these types of surface area. I think I have an idea of what I could do tomorrow (since we have that math class to continue working on SA) to help facilitate their understanding. *HINT* --> Coloured pens can be quite helpful! I hope though, that I'll have a chance to eventually view their IPPs to see what I can do to better help their understanding.

In science, students continued the experiment we did last Wednesday by trying to figure out whom the source of infection was. Initially, I thought it would be highly difficult to figure it out due to the many variable in play, yet one of my partner teachers had a theory on figuring out the solution. We implemented his theory and it turned out to be pretty helpful in figuring out the culprit. Unfortunately, there were some mismatched data in the first group of grade 8s we couldn't continue with the experiment since it prevented us from "figuring" out the origin of the source.

The second group of grade 8s redid the experiment today, and even managed to single down the class to five possible suspects. I was quite impressed at how fast they actually could figure it out! They were a bit less engaged with the latter part of the experiment compared to the first group of grade 8s, but they still managed to come close to figuring it out!

And that pretty much marks my day!

Thursday 14 February 2013

Teacher's Convention Day 1

No practicum today since it's teacher's convention!

I didn't want to risk not being able to find a parking spot (nor pay for parking for that matter), so I took the train to downtown. It was the first time, from what I can recall, being in the Telus Convention Center. The building has a nice look to it and the rooms are quite posh. I started off my morning with a "Coffee and Coaching" session, hoping to learn some skills that I could use if I'm able to coach the badminton team this year.

It turned out to be a life coaching workshop, which is nice and all, but not really helpful in the stage of my career. Right after the workshop, I ventured to the next workshop, which was for graduating student teachers. Now this workshop was more useful since it explained the steps I needed to do upon graduation. I've heard this lecture from this particular guest speaker before at PD, but it was useful to hear it again and in greater detail.

After that workshop, it was time for lunch. A&W was quite packed with teachers. After a brief lunch, it was onto the next workshop, which was on creating critical thinking questions to ask students. I wasn't able to gleam off much from the lecture, but I'll be getting a package from the guest speaker by post so I can ponder on the process more.

Since we ended that session early, I had an hour to roam around the exhibition hall. I was amazed at all the vendors that were present at convention! There were so many interesting booths that actually caught my attention. I wasn't there for the free stuff (well not really...), more I was looking forward to how these vendors could help me with my career. I saw an interesting math booth that could be very useful for the students I'm teaching now, but the issue would have to be with costs. It's an online program that helps students get the help they need, potentially, but I'm not quite sure what the costs are at the moment. =/

Besides math, I even saw a Canon booth! They had all sorts of cameras, from point-and-shoots to dslrs. They even had the 5D MIII on display!! Apparently, some schools purchase 5Ds for their schools to use. All I can say is that they must be ballers! (I would assume that most schools would go for the T3, since I believe it's the cheapest Canon dslr are the moment).

After walking around for about 50 minutes, I ventured to my last workshop, which was on quantum physics. Aside from the graduating workshop, this was one of the more useful ones for me. I learnt more about experiments I could use with my students. Also, I even learnt/reviewed some quantum physics myself! Double slit experiment!

I also met an old physics teacher at that particular workshop! It makes it hard to believe that time really flies by quickly. It still really feels like I've just graduated from high school... even though I wish I was done with university (practically, I am I guess... Just the practicum now!)

And to finish my post for today, here's a picture I took last night. It took me about 30 minutes to get the picture, since I was trying to write the letters with my iPhone's LED flash.

I believe my settings were: ISO 100, f/11 and bulb setting for the shutter (I think it took me about 30 seconds to take that image).

It was a really fun photo shoot, and I'm planning to do something similar to that again in the future!

Wednesday 13 February 2013

2nd Day

Even though it has only been a day, I feel like I pretty much fit in with the environment of my practicum school. The morning was pretty uneventful as I went about my daily routines. I helped a student with math and then helped set up a science experiment. For the science experiment, students were trying to learn how widespread an infection could potentially become. To demonstrate that, they had test tubes filled with water. One person had a test tube that had a mixture of water and vinegar (which was to represent the origin of the infection). Then each person had to trade droplets of their water with a couple other students in the class. After trading with four other people, they went up to the teachers to get "tested", which is essentially dropping a droplet of phenol red.

If their test tubes turn yellow, then that means they were infected with... Vinegaritis. For the morning batch of students, the lab didn't turn out so well because the vinegar solution was initially to diluted. We learnt from our mistakes and did the same experiment with the second batch of grade 8s with a test tube filled with pure vinegar. It was able to work this time since we were using a pure solution of vinegar!

After lunch, the students watched a movie for social class. It focused on Japan, since that's their unit of study.

And that was pretty much my day! After school, I got a phone call from the Catholic Division to set up an pre-screening interview! I'm quite nervous since this will be my first formal interview (the other interviews I had were pretty laid back). Luckily, I have time to practice! Good thing I already bought a suit!

Tuesday 12 February 2013

First Day of Final Practicum

It's nice that the school is quite close to my house and that it starts at around 8:50! I can avoid rush hour traffic, which is pretty sweet!

Once I got to school, I got to my classroom and sat at the teacher's desk, since my partner teachers don't use that desk at all. There was a lot of space for me to put my stuff! Soon after, the students started pouring into the classroom. I went over a customary introduction, though this time students also introduced themselves personally to me. It helped me with knowing names, but I wished I wrote down a seating plan! I think I can only remember about half of those names. =/

Math followed soon after, in which they went over surface area of triangular prisms. I actually learnt a formula for figuring out surface area. Essentially, it's taking the way I learnt in junior high, but just simplifying some steps.

During science class, I got the chance to show students my demonstration: elephant toothpaste. I was surprised that most students have never heard or seen of this experiment. Nevertheless, we had the chance to have a mini lesson on observations through the use of the demonstration (which was facilitated with the help of one of my partner teachers). After the demo, students continued working on the labs that were previously assigned.

And then the cycle repeated with another batch of grade 8s, except they had lunch and reading period between math and science. During their introduction, I made a seating plan, which really helped with memorizing their names! I think I have 90% of the names downpat! =)

During reading period, I helped one of my partner teachers with students who needed help with reading. During this time, I learnt how to use the text-to-speech function on macs. Having used a mac for the past 3 years, I never knew a function existed! I would say it's a useful tool and even I see some use for it in my own personal life. Instead of having to edit my work through silent reading, I can easily turn on the function and listen to the computer speak to me.

Finally, after science, was options. I worked with an individual on an graffiti-themed image for our science homeroom class. It was interesting to see how students were motivated to get work done when they had an interesting in the activity they were doing.

And that's that! I forgot to take a picture of the school. =/ Maybe tomorrow if I remember!

Monday 11 February 2013

Today marks my last day as an undergrad at the UofC

It's a bit bittersweet that today is my last day as an "undergraduate" (technically I do have a degree already) student at the UofC. I have met a lot of wonderful people throughout these two years which helped guide me as I changed my perspective on teaching. I won't say good-bye because I'm sure that I will try and keep in touch with these individuals!

I still remember my very first day in the Education program and how I made a stop at the MBA Admission's office (or whatever it's called), since I wasn't so set into teaching. To be honest, I was thinking of dropping out of the degree on the first day and go get some work experience to come back and pursue a MBA. The admission's lady told me that I should finish my education degree and come back after a couple years once I have some teaching under my belt. And so, I trudged towards my first class, which was EDUC 402 seminar, with a somewhat apprehensive feeling.


And look at me now. After the last two practicums I had, I'm set on teaching! It's like, but so unlike my previous teaching experiences as a karate/piano instructor. Sure, I have classes with more than one student, but there's some kind of inner joy I got from teaching in a school that is similar to my previous experiences, but so much more rewarding.

 A sense of satisfaction that students are actually able to learn something from me, and that I was able to inspire some kind of fire in some of them (or so they told me... or maybe they were sucking up to me, but I'll pretend that I inspired them some how!).

I guess that's the joy of teaching!

And now, to my last practicum. Eight weeks at a school environment that I grew up in, but never really had the chance to teach. I'm not going to lie and say that all schools are the same, for I have experienced the higher SES schools and realized that they had the chance and experiences that students in the lower SES don't have. I'll be lying if I said I am not feeling nervous, but I'm always up for a challenge! And this will be the first time where I will have to deal with a large number of exceptionalities. As of course, it will be a marvellous journey as I complete my last practicum in the Bachelor's of Education program at the UofC!

I'll be sure to post daily (for the first couple of weeks for sure) about my experiences!

I'm thinking of using this demonstration to introduce myself tomorrow. It's quite simple to make elephant toothpaste!

Sunday 10 February 2013

Happy Lunar New Years

Tis the time again! The year of the Water Snake if I'm not mistaken.

My day was pretty quiet today. I finished my application for the Catholic Board and started a new anime series!

Kotoura-san is a series about a girl who can read the minds of others. The intro was a good hook, as it goes through the first couple years of the main heroine. Since she was young and couldn't understand the implications of her power, she blurts out the most intimate thoughts of those around her. Eventually she becomes shunned by those people closest to her and thus isolates herself from the rest of the world.

I'm three episodes in and I'm really impressed with what the show has to offer!

Thursday 7 February 2013

Potential Food Coma

In my last 509 class, we had a pot luck and a guest speaker. Since there were around 30 of us bringing in different types of food, there were certainly a lot to go around. Somehow, we managed to cover the four food groups and have a whole bunch of dessert as well. I only went through one plate of food and desert but I was quite full after the meal that I was starting to feel a bit sleepy.

Fortunately, the guest speaker was good at keeping us interested throughout his presentation. There were a couple tips that I got out of his lecture today.

1) Keep changing things up. Don't do an activity for more than 10 minutes at at time.
Seems common sense to me, but I knew that I have gone over 10 minutes at my last practicum. An easy fix would be to add different modalities between notes!

2) Storytelling
Something I'm working on, since I don't feel like I have a lot of relevant experiences that I can relate to the topics I teach at hand. =/ I guess I could go find some interesting daily events to hook students in!

3) Moving around
I do this quite often when I teach, though I could always do it more efficiently, and expand the range that I usually roam.

4) Smart Board
Smartboard, SMART Board or however it's spelt... I could use more of that. Good thing I got a free software key today!

And that's it for today!

A beautiful ending to the Courtesan Arc in Gintama! It was quite an excellent arc and may be my favorite yet!

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Papers Papers Papers

The past couple of days have been papers, papers and more papers!

However, they're going a lot better than I thought they would. I guess blog writing and using the 25 mins- 5 min break method works really well! Anyways, two papers are done in terms of the first draft. Just one more rough to do (tomorrow morning) and edits!

And I'm done in terms of assignments for my courses! Just to plan for practicum! =) Which I'm actually looking forward too...

Which is indeed

Now what...

I was stoked since I "finished" (technically I'm not done all my assignments/presentations till Friday, but I'm not worried about Friday) all my papers today. I handed them in, and after handing in my last one... I was extremely happy! For at least a couple minutes till lecture started.

Anyways, now what... I decided to take the day off so I can recover a bit before diving into practicum stuff, but I feel raring to go... yet not at the same time.

Thus, my conflicting emotions is making me somewhat bored. I played some LoL, but that didn't really help with my boredom.

Maybe I should go find a nice drama to watch...