Wednesday 13 February 2013

2nd Day

Even though it has only been a day, I feel like I pretty much fit in with the environment of my practicum school. The morning was pretty uneventful as I went about my daily routines. I helped a student with math and then helped set up a science experiment. For the science experiment, students were trying to learn how widespread an infection could potentially become. To demonstrate that, they had test tubes filled with water. One person had a test tube that had a mixture of water and vinegar (which was to represent the origin of the infection). Then each person had to trade droplets of their water with a couple other students in the class. After trading with four other people, they went up to the teachers to get "tested", which is essentially dropping a droplet of phenol red.

If their test tubes turn yellow, then that means they were infected with... Vinegaritis. For the morning batch of students, the lab didn't turn out so well because the vinegar solution was initially to diluted. We learnt from our mistakes and did the same experiment with the second batch of grade 8s with a test tube filled with pure vinegar. It was able to work this time since we were using a pure solution of vinegar!

After lunch, the students watched a movie for social class. It focused on Japan, since that's their unit of study.

And that was pretty much my day! After school, I got a phone call from the Catholic Division to set up an pre-screening interview! I'm quite nervous since this will be my first formal interview (the other interviews I had were pretty laid back). Luckily, I have time to practice! Good thing I already bought a suit!

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