Monday 11 February 2013

Today marks my last day as an undergrad at the UofC

It's a bit bittersweet that today is my last day as an "undergraduate" (technically I do have a degree already) student at the UofC. I have met a lot of wonderful people throughout these two years which helped guide me as I changed my perspective on teaching. I won't say good-bye because I'm sure that I will try and keep in touch with these individuals!

I still remember my very first day in the Education program and how I made a stop at the MBA Admission's office (or whatever it's called), since I wasn't so set into teaching. To be honest, I was thinking of dropping out of the degree on the first day and go get some work experience to come back and pursue a MBA. The admission's lady told me that I should finish my education degree and come back after a couple years once I have some teaching under my belt. And so, I trudged towards my first class, which was EDUC 402 seminar, with a somewhat apprehensive feeling.


And look at me now. After the last two practicums I had, I'm set on teaching! It's like, but so unlike my previous teaching experiences as a karate/piano instructor. Sure, I have classes with more than one student, but there's some kind of inner joy I got from teaching in a school that is similar to my previous experiences, but so much more rewarding.

 A sense of satisfaction that students are actually able to learn something from me, and that I was able to inspire some kind of fire in some of them (or so they told me... or maybe they were sucking up to me, but I'll pretend that I inspired them some how!).

I guess that's the joy of teaching!

And now, to my last practicum. Eight weeks at a school environment that I grew up in, but never really had the chance to teach. I'm not going to lie and say that all schools are the same, for I have experienced the higher SES schools and realized that they had the chance and experiences that students in the lower SES don't have. I'll be lying if I said I am not feeling nervous, but I'm always up for a challenge! And this will be the first time where I will have to deal with a large number of exceptionalities. As of course, it will be a marvellous journey as I complete my last practicum in the Bachelor's of Education program at the UofC!

I'll be sure to post daily (for the first couple of weeks for sure) about my experiences!

I'm thinking of using this demonstration to introduce myself tomorrow. It's quite simple to make elephant toothpaste!

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