Thursday 7 February 2013

Potential Food Coma

In my last 509 class, we had a pot luck and a guest speaker. Since there were around 30 of us bringing in different types of food, there were certainly a lot to go around. Somehow, we managed to cover the four food groups and have a whole bunch of dessert as well. I only went through one plate of food and desert but I was quite full after the meal that I was starting to feel a bit sleepy.

Fortunately, the guest speaker was good at keeping us interested throughout his presentation. There were a couple tips that I got out of his lecture today.

1) Keep changing things up. Don't do an activity for more than 10 minutes at at time.
Seems common sense to me, but I knew that I have gone over 10 minutes at my last practicum. An easy fix would be to add different modalities between notes!

2) Storytelling
Something I'm working on, since I don't feel like I have a lot of relevant experiences that I can relate to the topics I teach at hand. =/ I guess I could go find some interesting daily events to hook students in!

3) Moving around
I do this quite often when I teach, though I could always do it more efficiently, and expand the range that I usually roam.

4) Smart Board
Smartboard, SMART Board or however it's spelt... I could use more of that. Good thing I got a free software key today!

And that's it for today!

A beautiful ending to the Courtesan Arc in Gintama! It was quite an excellent arc and may be my favorite yet!

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