Monday 25 February 2013

Week 3 Monday and interview with the Catholic Board

My first Monday in my last practicum. It's kinda hard to believe it's already week 3...

Anyways, I got the chance to teach Volume to the students today. The first time I taught it, I realized that there was no coherent flow of my steps on the whiteboard. It was like if a tornado hit my whiteboard and scattered my notes all over the place!

Of course, I corrected it for my second batch of students. =P There were a couple of students that were struggling to vision volume, so that'll be something I need to think of to help students figure it out.

Science was presentations. All I can say is that they were a lot different than the presentations I observed at my first practicum school. Of course, they weren't the same type of presentation...

And that marked my day at school! I left early today since I had an interview with the Catholic Board. I managed to arrive about 20 minutes early, so I sat in the waiting room filled with anxiety, yet some sort of confidence. (I seem to be filled with a weird mix of emotions lately...)

Anyways, when I did have my interview, I was greeted by a gentleman. He led me to a medium sized conference room and started by going over my qualifications. After he listed them, he asked me if I would like to add any more qualifications. Since I never mentioned taking IB, I mentioned that.

After that, he asked me a questions that related to the Catholic faith in school, questions on classroom management, dealing with parents, teaching philosophy, passion, and other questions that I can't quite pick up. I think I dealt with each question well, though I noticed that my mouth was EXTREMELY dry after the second question he asked me.

However, I was surprised that I wasn't sweating bullets. The atmosphere was quite easygoing, which I think really helped me with the interview. True, I think there were a question or two that kind of slipped me up, but he helped guide my thinking.

The good thing about this interview was that I found out their (or his I guess?) decision right away. Since I'm not Catholic, I'm unable to work on their sub roster, but I'm on a wait list for a position if it opens up! Pretty good I think since I wasn't expecting an interview from the Catholic Board! =)

Now time to focus my attention for the CBE interview in a couple of weeks...

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