Tuesday 19 February 2013

Week Two Tuesday

I've been a lazy bum over the last couple of days for no real reason. I blame it on LoL. And unit planning! I'm not sure how many activities I can fit into my lessons!

Anyways, today went by without a hitch. For math, they learnt to calculate the surface area of a cylinder. I was working with a couple students that had difficulties with these concepts. Unfortunately, I don't think I was able to get the main points across in solving these types of surface area. I think I have an idea of what I could do tomorrow (since we have that math class to continue working on SA) to help facilitate their understanding. *HINT* --> Coloured pens can be quite helpful! I hope though, that I'll have a chance to eventually view their IPPs to see what I can do to better help their understanding.

In science, students continued the experiment we did last Wednesday by trying to figure out whom the source of infection was. Initially, I thought it would be highly difficult to figure it out due to the many variable in play, yet one of my partner teachers had a theory on figuring out the solution. We implemented his theory and it turned out to be pretty helpful in figuring out the culprit. Unfortunately, there were some mismatched data in the first group of grade 8s we couldn't continue with the experiment since it prevented us from "figuring" out the origin of the source.

The second group of grade 8s redid the experiment today, and even managed to single down the class to five possible suspects. I was quite impressed at how fast they actually could figure it out! They were a bit less engaged with the latter part of the experiment compared to the first group of grade 8s, but they still managed to come close to figuring it out!

And that pretty much marks my day!

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