Monday 5 December 2011

Last Week of Classes!

Urg, so sick of studying for these courses >.>. One exam down, 3 more to go! (Plust one more paper! >.<)

Today's exam was... interesting. First of all, its an open-book,collaborative/group exam that consisted of, supposedly 41 m/c and 1 written question. Well, the m/c portion was cancelled since there wasn't enough answer sheets for our test.

Not enough answer sheets? Well our m/c test isn't your regular fill-in-the-bubbles exam. It was a IF AT type m/c test or in other words, Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique test. What you do is scratch what you think is the right answer (kinda like lottery tickets). If you were correct, you should see a star underneath the scratch-away stuff. If not, you would have to try again until you get the right answer. So in other words, you get partial marks. For our exam, if we had to guess twice, we got 0.5 of a mark. Three guesses and that's 0.25. All four guesses meant zero percent. 

Like stated above, the professor cancelled the first part of the test by giving us full marks on that section! =) All we need to do was to work on the written section (as a group). We had to pick a pre-selected question and rationalized why we thought the answer was what the answer is. Also we need to explain the "2nd best option". I thought this section went quite well! We'll see in a bit =P

Here's a picture of the IF AT test sheet =P
Yay! Got the first question "right". 

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