Saturday 10 December 2011

Semester is over!

Today marks my first official day of break! This week has been a bit more hellish than what I'm normally accustomed too: 4 finals and a paper. Some people had 3 presentations on top of that! >.> I was lucky that all my presentations were completed the week before! =)

After I finished my paper, I immediately booted up my playstation 3 and started campaign mode on Modern Warfare 3. I could only play hr shifts since I get motion sickness after a while =(. Besides CoD, I also played a bit of SC2 to get my fingers warm again for 1v1 (sometime later next week).

Besides gaming, I also watched a drama special: Freeter, le wo kau. To give you a bit of background info, the drama series is about a late 20 year old man living with his parents since he's not able to land a job as an accountant. He's lazy and picky, thus finding it difficult to stay in a job for a while. At home, his father would constantly belittle him and soon after, the main character finds out that his mother is suffering from depression. Eventually though, he managed to land a part time job at a construction firm. Initially, he didn't like working physical labour, but after a while he started to enjoy his job. Also, he met a girl there and they struck up a friendship, that eventually became romantic (at the very last episode of the series).

So at the end of the series, the main character gets a full time job at the firm as an accountant, bought a house for his parents and found love (it was really hand holding even!). Also, his dad nagged less and his mom was recovering from her depression.

The drama special then takes place a year after the drama series ended. In the special, it dealt with the relationship between the main character and his girlfriend since its been a year since he last saw her. Pretty much, the special talked about things like love, happiness, and status. What really struck me was what it takes to be happy. Its true that I seen many drama series that dealt on finding happiness, but somehow, this special really had an impact on me. Perhaps, finding happiness is not as hard as it seems, if you're true to yourself.

So to end of this post, here's a picture I took on Thursday at the Taylor Digital Family Library (4th floor).

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