Monday 12 December 2011

Slept in...

I was planning to go back to LC again to go swim in the morning... but I slept in...

I woke up at around 7 AM... the time I usually leave to go swim... Oh well, there's tomorrow!

Anyways, I got quite a bit done! Finished sentence correction 2 for the GMAT, went over my car manual, read some Maclean's, got in the entire Renho Arc in Gintama (awesome series!!!!!!) and two episodes of my drama!

I guess I should sleep earlier tonight so I can wake up early tomorrow! (6 AM is the goal!)

As for today's picture

Took this picture a couple of weeks ago when I got my Sun Dragon! (Quite rare to hatch!). As of date, I have two of them =P

Unfortunately, I don't have the moon dragon yet =(

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