Saturday 24 December 2011

Week in review

Haven't posted in a while! It's been quite the week.

Monday: got up early and went to go swim. After swimming, I went home and studied some GMAT material. Once that was completed, I played GT 5 on hopes of getting the Red Bull x2010! I wasn't able to do it, but my brother was able to.

Tuesday: Similar to Monday, except I had the chance to grind with the x2010. What a beast of a car... Almost 500 km/h!

Wednesday: started off the same as the two other days. In the evening, I went to Toad and Turtle again. There was quite a bit of us today so I ordered a set of suicide wings again... Unfortunately only 4 were interested in eating those wings... So I had to eat three again =(. Lol a friend managed to eat three as well, but seemingly without the painful consequences that I had!

Thursday: similar to the other days. Stayed at home to play games once again. I don't recall doing anything out of the ordinary.

Friday: started Zelda Skyward Sword ! So fun! I also went to Costco in the afternoon to order a new pair of glasses. I don't like them as much as my old pair unfortunately. =( In the evening, for Bro Night, we went to Cattle Baron for dinner. I ordered a rack of lamb and it turned out to be pretty decent. I wished I ordered something with more meat though....

Well that's it for now... My hands are cramping from typing on my phone

For today's picture... A picture of another piece of dessert taken on Wednesday at Toad and Turtle. I used the flash option this time, not to good effects though...

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