Sunday 18 December 2011

*wheeze wheeze*

Today in Karate, we did conditioning for the last half an hour or so of class. All I can say is that I was exhausted to the point that I was feeling light headed (T_T). Sad thing perhaps that I wasn't able to do all of  the exercises while most of my fellow classmates could (including those that were younger/in a lower belt level than me). Guess like this is definitely a wake up call to get back into SHAPE. (Been saying it for 5 years now though...) I've been going to LC in the morning to go swim though! It's really quiet in the winter compared to the summer.

Anyways, onto other news... played some SC today. Had a pretty good streak. I wish I could say the same for LoL...

As for today's picture of the day:

I've been practicing Christmas Songs to play at the hospital when I volunteer. Every year, my ability to sight read these songs gets worse and worse =( (grammar sounds weird here...). Note to self: maybe its high time I get started on practicing the piano again...

Ah, so many big promises... let's see how many I can keep this time! Could be a New Year's Resolution...

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