Wednesday 27 March 2013

A Sad Day =(

I started off my day with my usual episode of Polar Bear Cafe as I ate breakfast. The episode was going quite normally for a Polar Bear Cafe episode: things are all merry and bright.

Until we find out that

*spoiler alert*

Full-time Panda got transferred to another Zoo in Singapore! =0 The transfer led to quite a shock to me, and to Panda-kun. It was the first time I ever seen this main character cry in the show. I actually felt somewhat of a lump-in-my-throat myself while watching today's episode. =( It was a good thing that it ended on a happy note though! I never would have expected that they would add "realism" to a show like this, but it serves as a good reminder that nothing really stays the same in life.

After working on my teaching philosophy for a bit, I rewatched the last few episodes of Pet Girl that I had left before getting a chance to view the last two episodes. (I normally watch it off Crunchyroll via a free account, thus being a week behind. However, I had to finish the LAST episode today, so I downloaded off the site I download Gintama episodes).

Episode 23 was another episode worthy of tears. The speech was kinda cliché, thus nevertheless it was a really touching speech. And then onto the very last episode.

It was a great ending in my opinion. Nothing extremely out of the ordinary, but I felt like it really tied things off well. I have to say that I will definitely miss catching this show every Wednesday. For the past 4-5 months, it was something I really looked forward to in the middle of my week. I was extremely impressed with the character development of the show and realistic it seemed at times. It was a show about growing up, finding your own passions, making meaningful relationships, and so much more! Definitely one of the best animes I've seen in my life! I kinda wish that they will have a second season, but at the same time, I think that the ending they had was all they needed to wrap up a wonderful series.

*sniff* Goodbye Misaki-senpai, Jin, Chihiro-sensei, Dragon, Aoyoma, Sorata and Mashiro (and Rita too!). It's one of the few series that I watch that I remember all the main character names! (Sadly enough...)

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