Thursday 14 March 2013

Activity Day

Since it was activity day today, I didn't have to teach! Yay for a little break!

I went with my partner teachers and 25 students to Max Bell Arena to go skate for a couple of hours. We walked from the school to the arena. Also, we were able to rent out the "Skate Shack", which is a City of Calgary program that allows people to rent a trailer full of skates for free!

It was a bit awkward to get back on the ice, but after a couple minutes, I was able to get the hang of it once again. After skating, it was back to school for lunch. Students got the chance to make their own pizzas from scratch. After showing my partner teachers my incompetence when it comes to cooking, I learnt how to properly roll dough. 

After lunch, some students wanted to go to the gym to play badminton, so I was asked to go supervise them. It was extremely crowded in the gym (since some soccer kids were already there playing), so I ended up sitting on a bench watching them play. I got really sleepy after a while... not sure if it was due to being tired or boredom =P

That pretty much marked my day at school. Soon after I got back home, it was time to get ready to go to karate to help out with the black belt exams. There were 6 students taking the exam this time, with 1/3 of them being students that I taught when they first entered our dojo. *sniff* I think I'm on my 4th batch of students that are getting their black belts! (A batch to me are any students that are taking their black belt exams, meaning they stuck all the way to the end). 

And now marking... I should have never given my students so much work to hand in... It doesnt help that my First Aid course is this weekend as well... 

I have about 150 things to mark! Yay....

Oh and second episode of the "Star Wars" arc in Gintama! Shinpachi looks "bad-ass" for once in the preview for next week's episode!

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