Sunday 3 March 2013

Crazy Snow and Good Samaritans

Crazy amounts of snow today! I was actually surprised by the amount of people that showed up to karate today. I was expecting a lot less since there was so much snow on the ground.

Coming home was a disaster. I actually was stuck on the connector between barlow and 16th ave. I couldn't get out of the snow bank (or whatever prevented me to move), but fortunately for me, 3 cars stopped and helped move my car. Thank you to those guys who helped me out today!

Pretty much for the rest of my day, I spent it on lesson planning, looking over this philosophical paper I have to write for practicum and reflections. It's going to be a busy week, so I may not be able to keep up with my blog posts this week. (Nor have I really been keeping up with it recently...)

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