Saturday 23 March 2013

Woo, Spring Break!

Ah, it's finally Spring Break! Time for some rest!

It's been quite an eventful week so far. I got a copy of Monster Hunters 3 Ultimate for the Wii U and for the 3DS! The reason why I have two copies is so that I can play multiplayer with my brother. The graphics aren't as great on the 3DS, but I'll live for now. I also ordered a circle pad pro for the 3DS XL on eBay, so it should make my journey a lot easier. All I can say though, is that this game is costing me quite a bit of money =/.

Wii U console + Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Wii U + Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate 3DS + Circle Pad Pro for 3DS XL. I better put in quite the number of hours into this game to make up for it!

Besides Monster Hunters, I had two days of parent teacher interviews. On Thursday evening, we had quite a number of parents come in. I had the chance to talk to a couple of parents about their children, though I felt as if my lines were scripted. Pretty much, I told them if the students/parents that the student is doing well (or not) and what they can work on. This is a skill that I will need to continue to work on. Friday morning was quite empty on the other hand. For the four hours I was there, only one student came in for an interview...

Well time for some sleep!

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