Sunday 24 March 2013

So Full...

We had our annual Spring Banquet in karate today. After a shortened white/green belt class, we had the black belt ceremony to celebrate the 6 new (5 were present today) black belts. Congratulations to them!

After the ceremony and a speech from the head instructor, we had our lunch. For $10, it's always quite the deal. There were all sorts of food ranging from spring rolls to french fries. Once again, I wasn't able to grab any of the mango dessert/drink. It'll be my goal for next year to be able to grab a full bowl of it! Even though I only went through two plates of food (and dessert), I'm still quite full!

After karate, I went home and relaxed by playing Monster Hunters on the 3DS. I grinded for an hour, and I have to say that it was a very successful grinding session. I collected the pieces needed to craft my Jaggi armor! I'm now completely "Jaggified" since I have the dual swords and complete armor set crafted from the Great Jaggi and his little minions.

Also, I started to rewatch Pet Girl of Sakura Hall. I was debating whether to start a drama series or rewatch an anime series, and I decided to do the latter after thinking for a while. It's such a great series! One of the best shows in 2012-2013 in my opinion!

And that marks the end of my spring break. Starting tomorrow, I'll have to get back to work on marking, lesson planning, essay writing, cleaning, fixing (Strike Freedom has been sitting in my glass cabinet for the past two months now practically) and whatever little chores I have to do for Spring Break.

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