Monday 11 March 2013

I'm Back!

I'm back! For now anyways...

Last week was quite hectic, since I was preparing lessons, finishing up reflections/teaching philosophy paper and preparing for my CBE interview. In terms of the CBE interview... well I don't think it went as well as my Catholic board one. There were some questions that really threw a rut for me, such as "How would you like students to view you as a teacher?". Strangely, I couldn't really come up with an answer... If I remember correctly, I think I mentioned

Relevant and a human being like my students (since I had this misconception that teacher's lived in schools when I was in elementary school).

I don't think I threw enough key buzzwords during the interview... and it doesn't help when your voice gives out near the end of the interview. I knew I was suffering from.. some kind of sickness (Laryngitis maybe?) but I didn't bring a bottle of water with me! That bottle could have saved me some embarrassment...

Anyways, what's done is done. I just have to hope for the best. =/ I couldn't really tell by the body language of my interviewer on how I've done, so I'll have to wait anxiously to May.

Besides the interview, I had the chance to go try out Rimrock yesterday. They had the Big Taste of Calgary thingy-mobobber. The restaurant was really posh, thus being quite expensive. The food wasn't quite worth the price ($35 for a 3 course meal) in my opinion, but then again... I'm pretty cheap when it comes to food. (I do prefer All You Can Eat! Sure it may not be the best tasting food, but it can sure fill me up.)

Now onto today! First day of tryouts of badminton. I also played a couple of games with the coach. Due to my lack of fitness, I couldn't sustain for more than 12 rallies. =( I guess that will be my goal for the rest of my practicum: to get into better shape!

From my dinner yesterday! I used this picture to explain refraction to my students today! =)

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