Sunday 28 April 2013

Busy Weekend!

It's been a busy weekend so far!

I had a birthday dinner on Friday night at Ric's Lounge and Grill. I ordered the usual pasta and $8.75 7-oz steak side order! (So cheap for steak!!). It was a great night with a few drinks and a lot of conversations! Instead of karaoking afterwards, I made the executive decision to go home and play LoL. =P I prefer to game than to sing due to a number of reasons that I'm not going to disclose.

Saturday was busy as well since I was out for most of the afternoon. I don't recall what I did for the evening... besides playing LoL. =/

Sunday was karate once again. Nothing out of the ordinary today. After I got home, I spent time playing MH, learning some songs for the piano and watching an episode of my drama series. I also started Devil Survivor 2 on crunchyroll. It's an interesting anime series so far, but nothing extremely special to hook me quite yet!

As for today's screen cap, a picture from the drama I'm watching (Doctor X). The main actress does her job well, but she has the most intense gaze when she performs surgery

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Sometimes it feels good when there's nothing to do!

First day of my break where I pretty much stayed home all day! I usually dislike these kind of days (especially if I've been cooped inside for more than 48 hrs) but it felt really good today!

My day was pretty much ordinary. I finished watching a drama series: Tokyo AIRPORT. The story line was alright, nothing spectacular. Afterwards, I played some Monster Hunters. I finally was able to capture a live Lagiacrus. That took me a while, since I seem to be plagued by bad luck when I try to capture a Laggy. First time I tried, a Ludroth (small monster) jumped right in front of my tranq bombs... Second time was right after I set up my trap, the Laggi rammed into me, stunning me. By the time I was unstunned (by furiously mashing my buttons), he was no longer trapped!

Third time was after I accidently set up my trap, he limped off to another arena. Luckily though, I had an extra pitfall trap ready! I ended up catching it on land!

Besides dramas and gaming, I got in a few episodes of a relatively new anime series: Attack on Titan. It's pretty good so far, though a bit disturbing. I'm waiting to see how it unfolds!

As for today's picture of the day

Monday 22 April 2013

First Tournament as a Coach!

I went to my first ever tournament as a coach today! The Junior team's tournament took place at Crescent Heights High School. It sure brought back memories since I used to train there under Badminton Alberta. I also had my grade 11 and 12 tournaments/exhibition matches there as well!

Anywhoos, onto the tournament! I arrived earlier than the team since I drove up to Crescent. I was initially worried that I was at the wrong venue since there was no sight of any of my students.  At 5 to 4, the team showed up, which of course, gave me a sigh of relief.

Since the team arrived on time, they didn't had much time to warm-up. A lot of them looked really shaky starting up, but as time went by, they looked a lot smoother/confident. I wasn't able to look at all the players, and I admit I was focusing more on students that I personally taught in class and on the court, though I was able to give some tips I think.

Despite the tournament being scheduled for 4 hours, it finished in about an hr and 50 minutes. It's nice having 8 courts to play on!

For today's picture

My circle pad pro for my 3DS XL. I got it shipped from China on eBay. I have to say that it has really, really, really helped me in MH, especially during those swimming quests!

Sunday 21 April 2013

Don't you hate it when you go to mend a small thing and then...

...some bigger problem occurs?

After epoxying the broken parts (to create more surface area to super glue it together), I went to go flair my wings...

And, I swear I didn't twist hard at all, the inner mechanism snapped. =(

In other words, my initial small problem just got a lot larger. I'm not quite sure how I can fix this problem. I may have to super glue my wings in a fixed position, but that's no fun!

Oh first-world-gundam-problems. =(

I snapped the little golden pegs inside those holes. =(

On a plus side, at least the joint is half-way repaired! Just to epoxy around the new joint and add the ring and voila!

Friday 19 April 2013

Friday Post??

I believe it's been a while since I last posted on a Friday. I gave up on the food blogs because I found out that I didn't really like taking pictures of food. It was starting to urk me for some reason...

Anyways, I got up and did some chores. Of course, after chores, I went to go play some Monster Hunters. I finally got Kayumba! I realized how important it is to have a Shakulaka (spelling?) along to distract monsters! Not having Cha-Cha beside me during fights was bothersome since I didn't have something distracting the big game from targeting me!

Besides Monster Hunters, and LoL, I went out for Bro Night. We went to go eat at an Indian restaurant in the N.E., by Pineridge. The food there was pretty decent, though I can't say it was the best Indian food that I ever had.

And I have to say that I'm pretty hooked to SNSD's Time Machine! Soo good!

I really like the Chorus for the song! It's from SNSD's repackaged Japanese Album: The Boys (I believe).

Thursday 18 April 2013

First Picture in a While!

Unfortunately, Crunchyroll was down in the morning so I couldn't get my episode of Polar Bear Cafe in. =( In turn, I spent a good chunk of my morning watching SNSD videos... I think I'm getting hooked to that group!

In the afternoon, I ended up playing a ton of Monster Hunters before going to SWL for badminton. Last practice for the Senior team!

And when I came home, it was more and more games...

Anyways, here's a picture of the Gundams I recently ordered!

RG 1/144 Freedom
MG 1/100 Red Astray (something something)
MG 1/100 Aegis

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Done! Well yesterday I was done!

I'm officially done University! Well at least in terms of undergrad degrees. I am now David Maruyama, B.Ed, B.Sc, A.R.C.T., and whatever other acronyms I can add to my name. =P

I'll talk more about practicum tomorrow since I'm just waiting in-between LoL games. It was quite a busy day for me today since I had a bunch of errands to do. I also got my Gundam orders in today! I promised myself not to start on them until I finished fixing my Strike Freedom. (I'll start doing the epoxy stuff tomorrow!)

Sunday 14 April 2013

Almost done...

Almost there... just two more days to go! Really only one since there's a field trip on Tuesday morning. I think we're going to the Epcor Center to listen to a National Geographics Photographer talk about her work! Since I'm into photography, it should be really interesting for me!

One thing I learnt over this entire practicum is that I need to increase my stamina. It's only an 8 week practicum (and I really only been teaching full time for about two weekish or so), yet I can't wait for practicum to end! =(

It'll be something I'll need to work on and something to reflect on after Tuesday...

Monday 8 April 2013

Feelings of Frustration >_>

I usually don't rant much, but I feel like I need to rant right now!

This final presentation and paper for my practicum is really getting on my nerve. It's like the faculty thinks we're doing no work, so might as well stack on two final pieces of work. (It's not like I started any of them at the last minute... it's just that I feel like needing to find research for our own personal philosophy is difficult since it is our OWN philosophies. I'm not saying that I'm discrediting research done, but by doing so, I feel like I'm shaping my philosophies on papers that I can find...)

Like compared to last semester where they just had a presentation for when we were teaching at about 50% of the time... It's like we're giving double the work in our practicum, might as well double the work we need to do in the course as well!

Ahhhh... done ranting, but I don't feel any better... >_>

Perhaps some sleep is in order. Gotta go early tomorrow to set up the eye-dissection lab.

Sunday 7 April 2013

Another year, another grey hair!

Tis that time of year again where I add another notch to my story called Life. It's hard to believe that I'm 24 years old! It's like what I learnt in psychology, about how when you're young, you always feel like you're older than what you actually are, but when you're old, you feel a lot younger than you actually are. (Don't mind the grammar).

Anyways, it was a pretty good birthday! I was quite tired in Karate class today, so my brother took charge. After karate, I went home and ate a quick lunch and got started on more marking that I didn't finish from yesterday.

After marking, and after my brother came home from volunteering, we played some Monster Hunters 3 Ultimate. It was like the gods granted my wish for my birthday, because I got the necessary (and rare parts) to complete my Rathian armor set! I should be able to own most of the 3 star boss monsters now!

And after that, more lesson planning for Math and Science! Almost done practicum!

Tuesday 2 April 2013

First Full Day

My first full day started off awesome...

I had a lesson planned on students using laptops to do some mini inquiry, but it turned out that the CBE servers were down... I therefore ended up with talking for almost an hour for the first batch of students since I really had nothing else planned. I had some mini activities in between sessions of me talking, but yeah...

(For the next batch of science students, I had them do some textbook questions.)

For math, I taught the L&L students. We went over decimals and how one would multiply decimals. It was interesting to see how they were reacting since it was their first day back from break. They were a lot quieter than they usually are. =P

Finally Drama. I started out with a warm up activity, Zip-Zap-Zop and failed miserably while playing the game. I have no sense of body-kinetics anymore (or whatever the term is).

And that pretty much marks my first day back from break and my first full day of teaching!

It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be!

Monday 1 April 2013

End of Spring Break! =(

So sad that it's the end of my Spring Break, but I do want to get my practicum over so I can be done my degree! It's hard to believe that I'm almost done my second degree...

So for April Fool's Day, I spent most of my day doing work (no joke indeed). I believe I have a finished week plan for Science and got some ideas for the drama class that I'll start teaching tomorrow. Tomorrow will be my first full 100% teaching day. To be honest, I'm not really looking forward to it, but it'll be a godo experience. Throughout my two years, I never really had a day where I taught every single class. The most I ever taught would probably be two full high school classes in a row... which is only about three hours.

Well off to sleep now! Better rest up for a long day tomorrow. Tomorrow is the start of official badminton practices as well! I'll also need to go to school early to get my booklets printed off before students come. =P