Thursday 26 February 2015

Junior Achievement and Field Trip

Means that I didn't have to teach two of my regular classes today! I was able to get through a large amount of marking and other tasks. 

It was a nice little break from teaching my core classes today. 

These pens from the Dollar Tree are amazing! Writes quite smoothly and ink lasts a lot longer than my overpriced gel pen from Staples! 8 of these pens costed only about $1.31 (after taxes) 

Sunday 22 February 2015

Another Sunday

Woke up later than usual today since there wasn't karate. I got in some marking before heading off to volunteer. 

It was an extremely quiet Sunday. I wonder whether it was due to the sun we've been having recently or the Oscars later tonight. Either way, it was slow so I ended up reading a magazine for a while. 

After volunteering, I went to dollar tree to pick up some supplies for a lab I have tomorrow. Unfortunately, I forgot to pick up some plates (for a later lab) thus I'll probably have to make a pit stop tomorrow to grab some. After shoping, I went to wash my car at a new place that my dad found. It had a touch less automatic place, which I had to try out!

I'm usually wary about automatic places because of brushes scratching my cat and whatnot, but it can't be bad if its touch less! I opted for the middle package (since it had an undercarriage rinse) for $8. It was expensive and short, yet an interesting experience. The vacuum/drying part was intense, for I felt that my wiper blades would lift off my windshield!

Thursday 19 February 2015

Happy Lunar New Year 2015

Another new year and another start. It's the year of the ram, which apparently means a year of tranquility. 

It was definitely not tranquil today during my workout. My usual workout buddies were busy today so I went by myself. (The last time I worked out by myself... must have been in 2nd year university). I pumped as quickly as I could, making me realize how crucial those small breaks between sets are in terms of recovery. There were times where I felt really faint doing squats today, and I was only squatting 135 lbs!

After working out, I went to purchase some thank you cards for school. A group has been working with one of my classes since October and their last session will be this upcoming Tuesday. I'm looking forward to the pot luck, though I probably won't be able to eat much from it. =(

And off to sleep I go! The next coming weeks should be busy. =/

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Hunter x Hunter - The Feels

I don't think I can recall a drama series/anime that I sympathized with the main antagonist.

In the anime series I'm currently watching, Hunter x Hunter, there's a nearly 70 episode arc known as the Chimera Ant arc. The main antagonist, the Chimera Ant King was as brutal as an antagonist can get.

And the initial feeling I had for the king was disgust, due to all of his horrendous actions. Throughout the arc though, a human managed to change him for the better.

As cliche as it sounds, the writer managed to portray the change, and his eventual death really well. It's hard for me (always hard for me to explain these pivotal moments) in detail, but it was a really touching final episode. It was touching to see the king die playing the game that changed him "for the better".

Also, as a side note, the final scene reminded me of a song from a drama I watched...

Enough with this sadness... though it's always good to feel it every now and then.

Saturday 14 February 2015

Happy Valentine's Day 2015! And Jupiter!

It's that time of the year again! Saved a lot of money since I'm single-to-mingle, but happy valentines to the couples out there!

Woke up, went to work and then off to work out. I scored a decent deal buying protein afterwards (ON's Chocolate Mint smells amazing compared to Cookies and Cream) and an amazing deal on tea. I essentially saved 40% on tea today!

After dinner, my dad took out his telescope to look at Jupiter once again. He managed to take a decent shot using my phone (with mine being off center). I'm always awestruck looking at the cosmos. 

Those smaller dots are moons orbiting Juipter!

Thursday 12 February 2015

Teacher's Convention 2015

Day 1! I arrived early enough to catch my first session on origami and math. Some really interesting ideas that I think I'll be able to incorporate into my classroom. I don't think I can use everything, but it's alright! Most of the origami used today was quite simple to produce. 

The next session I went to was about incorporating a year long project for grade 7. It's not the first time I heard about this type of project (making a new world), but it's a really neat idea!

Lastly, my last session for the day was about music and math; presented by the same speaker as my first session. It wasn't as interesting as his first one, but i may be able to gleam some stuff. 

The booths didn't seem as great this year in terms of free swag, but I managed to find some useful resources for my students to possible use. 

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Booked it to the doctors

I made an appointment to see the doctor at 3:30 today, which essentially means that I planned to leave right after the busses left for the day. 

Unfortunately, the bus I was supervising had broken down... 

I left a bit later than I expected (after the assistant principal took care of the situation), thus allowing me to book down to the doctors. 

Turns out I have some kinda viral infection, so he prescribed a bronchodilator (a puffer) and cough syrup. 

This was the first time I used a puffer, thus having all the mist escape my mouth since I didn't deal my lips tightly to the mouthpiece. The cough syrup on the other hand tasted familiar... Like something I used to have when I was younger...

Ah well. School week almost over!

Monday 9 February 2015

Start of a Short Week

3 Day school week due to teacher's convention! I didn't register for any events, so I'll be dropping by to see what session they have in store. It'll also be a good time to see if there's anyone willing to come to the Career Day at my school. We're still missing a couple individuals for the event.

Anyways, my cold seemed to subsided for a bit until I was teaching math to my homeroom. All of a sudden, I felt my throat become dry.

I reach for my water, and took a couple sips, but I erupted into a cacophony of loud retching coughs. It got to the point that my homeroom was dead silent... but it was good to know that they were asking if I was alright or not. It would be alarming if I had no reaction from them, or worse... =/

After school, I left work to finish up some chores. Since it's Monday, it meant workout day. It's been almost a week since I last worked out, so I was feeling pretty weak. As our ritual at the end of a session, we went to go weigh ourselves. I lost two pounds over the past week, but I'm sure it's mostly due to loss of muscle mass (assuming that I weigh myself at around the same time daily and I have been consuming about the same amount of water each time... and other factors that I can think of and control). 

Off to sleep! Hopefully I can recover quickly from this dastardly cough I developed. 

Sunday 8 February 2015


I started showing symptoms a week ago, but it didn't really kick in till late Thursday (at the Science Fair Open House event for parents).

Friday was brutal, with Saturday being even more so... I can't really complain though since I've been relatively healthy since the beginning of the school year while many teachers were catching illnesses throughout the year to date. This time though, I think I'll head to the doctor early.

I'm self-diagnosing myself with bronchitis, but I guess I'll just have to wait and see!

Fortunately this week is only 3 days, since it's Teacher's Convention this Thursday and Friday! Can't wait!

Not sure if I'm allowed to post this, but here's a picture used in my online PS class.

Learning to use the selection tool and move tool by using the background. I screwed up with the teeth section, thus no teeth... but I'm starting to get a hang with some of the basic stuff that PS has to offer!

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Shipped so fast!

Around last Thursday, I realized that somebody stole one of my credit card info. How I noticed?

I rarely drink coffee, nor would I reload such a relatively large amount to my card. After a quick call to my credit card company (AMEX), they promptly returned my money and shipped out a new card. They shipped it out via express shipping. I'm assuming its because I'm still earning a welcome 5% bonus on all purchases at the moment! Either way, I was really impressed with how fast my new card came (today) and with the service I received from them.

It was a good way to end a below-average day at work. Who knew that one class can ruin my day? (Subbed for one teacher... that class was horrendous!)

There was something else I wanted to blog about, but I totally forgot what that thing was... Perhaps if I remember, I'll post it up.


Oh I remember now! Can't believe I forgotten, since I just completed doing that thing not too long ago!

I went outside to look through my dad's telescope again at Jupiter. It was a lot easier to see the strips on the planet. I also got to see 5 moons around Jupiter! Way cool!

We also looked at the moon. It was extremely bright today. When I go out later tonight, I'll try and remember to take a picture of the moon.

Monday 2 February 2015

Marking on a Ski Day

Unlike last year, I was unable to hit the slopes.

I neglected my marking, thus having to spend the day to mark.

Other than that, it looked pretty chilly outside so I was kinda glad to not go out today...

One more ski day to go! Time to get more marking done and possible finish other things! =)