Thursday 12 February 2015

Teacher's Convention 2015

Day 1! I arrived early enough to catch my first session on origami and math. Some really interesting ideas that I think I'll be able to incorporate into my classroom. I don't think I can use everything, but it's alright! Most of the origami used today was quite simple to produce. 

The next session I went to was about incorporating a year long project for grade 7. It's not the first time I heard about this type of project (making a new world), but it's a really neat idea!

Lastly, my last session for the day was about music and math; presented by the same speaker as my first session. It wasn't as interesting as his first one, but i may be able to gleam some stuff. 

The booths didn't seem as great this year in terms of free swag, but I managed to find some useful resources for my students to possible use. 

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