Monday 9 February 2015

Start of a Short Week

3 Day school week due to teacher's convention! I didn't register for any events, so I'll be dropping by to see what session they have in store. It'll also be a good time to see if there's anyone willing to come to the Career Day at my school. We're still missing a couple individuals for the event.

Anyways, my cold seemed to subsided for a bit until I was teaching math to my homeroom. All of a sudden, I felt my throat become dry.

I reach for my water, and took a couple sips, but I erupted into a cacophony of loud retching coughs. It got to the point that my homeroom was dead silent... but it was good to know that they were asking if I was alright or not. It would be alarming if I had no reaction from them, or worse... =/

After school, I left work to finish up some chores. Since it's Monday, it meant workout day. It's been almost a week since I last worked out, so I was feeling pretty weak. As our ritual at the end of a session, we went to go weigh ourselves. I lost two pounds over the past week, but I'm sure it's mostly due to loss of muscle mass (assuming that I weigh myself at around the same time daily and I have been consuming about the same amount of water each time... and other factors that I can think of and control). 

Off to sleep! Hopefully I can recover quickly from this dastardly cough I developed. 

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