Sunday 8 February 2015


I started showing symptoms a week ago, but it didn't really kick in till late Thursday (at the Science Fair Open House event for parents).

Friday was brutal, with Saturday being even more so... I can't really complain though since I've been relatively healthy since the beginning of the school year while many teachers were catching illnesses throughout the year to date. This time though, I think I'll head to the doctor early.

I'm self-diagnosing myself with bronchitis, but I guess I'll just have to wait and see!

Fortunately this week is only 3 days, since it's Teacher's Convention this Thursday and Friday! Can't wait!

Not sure if I'm allowed to post this, but here's a picture used in my online PS class.

Learning to use the selection tool and move tool by using the background. I screwed up with the teeth section, thus no teeth... but I'm starting to get a hang with some of the basic stuff that PS has to offer!

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