Tuesday 10 February 2015

Booked it to the doctors

I made an appointment to see the doctor at 3:30 today, which essentially means that I planned to leave right after the busses left for the day. 

Unfortunately, the bus I was supervising had broken down... 

I left a bit later than I expected (after the assistant principal took care of the situation), thus allowing me to book down to the doctors. 

Turns out I have some kinda viral infection, so he prescribed a bronchodilator (a puffer) and cough syrup. 

This was the first time I used a puffer, thus having all the mist escape my mouth since I didn't deal my lips tightly to the mouthpiece. The cough syrup on the other hand tasted familiar... Like something I used to have when I was younger...

Ah well. School week almost over!

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